OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno has an Amazon Wishlist with which you can help the blog's efforts out while simultaneously gaining review mention with your links included in the review you made possible. Anything from my list that will help me get in a review will do. When you do gift me let me know. Once the gift arrives, and I review it, I will share a link with you letting you see that your social links and name are credited in the review.
➡️ PS4, PS5 & Nintendo Switch Game Codes/Physical Editions
➡️ PS4, PS5 & Nintendo Switch Hardware/Controllers/Storage
➡️ Horror DVDs/Blu-rays
➡️ Anime DVDs/Blu-rays/Figures
➡️ CCGs/TCGs Booster Packs/Booster Boxes
➡️ Music CDs
➡️ Art Books/Comic Books/TPBs