Showing posts with label COWCAT Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COWCAT Games. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

BROK the InvestiGator | PS4

This game marks the first time I think I've ever seen a point and click hybrid of this nature. COWCAT Games does good in giving to us, through this blending of oddly paired genres, a crime solving action brawler with a crocodilian cyber sleuth as it's lead protagonist. Brok the Croc, in his dystopian future world, leads the gamer through chapter after chapter of interactive environments, and character inclusive conversations from the animal kingdom he is a part of. 

Haunted by a hellish nightmare of a lost wife, Brok does his best to make ends meet for him and his son. This entails taking on detective jobs for the Slumers and Drumers. A hierarchy of poor and elite governed by questionable authorities, and a government surveillance state. Rife with true to life goings on like religion, as well as moral and ethical dilemma Brok finds himself entrenched in others' affairs. Helping paid, and non-paid clients solve their issues. This is accomplished with everything seamlessly interconnected through easy map travel, on scene exploration, and puzzle solving. That, and quickly applied combat transition for battles that occur. All unfolding a case at a time and effecting Brok as well as those he holds dear as he fights the good fight.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Demon's Tier+ (PS4)

Completing the Diabolocal Minds trilogy is "Demon's Tier+". A game that follows loosely in the footsteps of the unrelated standalone indie titles within the developer's series including "Xenon Valkyrie+", and "Riddle Corpses EX". All of which found a home on the PlayStation 4 platform. With this third entry by developer Diabolical Minds, and publisher COWCAT we get a somewhat familiar story set in a kingdom brought to ruin by a corrupt king's evil deeds. Through King Thosgar's legacy of evil, and his binding blood contract with a demon the future of the kingdom under his reign of terror falls to an invasion of monsters, and the mysterious return of said monsters thousands of years later through a hole in a nearby village. As a ragtag group of heroes for hire you set out to investigate the hole, and the monstrous plague. Through provided services you ready the weapons of your trade, pack for the perilous dive into the depths below, and face what awaits in the demon's tiers.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Riddled Corpses EX Mixes Old School Mob Brawlers With Shmup Mechanics

Complete with two co-op score based modes, and a cooperative story mode with five stages of progression CowCat Games, and Diabolical Minds challenges the gamer or gamers to take on one of the most grueling fights for apocalyptic survival ever! Whether you love the oldschool appeal of the side-scrolling wave filled brawlers, or the arcade shoot' em ups of old you will find tons of replay value in this story driven fight against the evil of all evils. A furious fight against an evil which has, and continues to resurrect the dead in order to destroy all of humanity. Through a character upgrade system that alters gun play Gradius-style, and unlockables in the form of other characters and weapons with their own unique combat offerings you will face wave after wave of the undead in an attempt to best the true prince of darkness. The ultimate end goal being a complete story playthrough, or an arcade mode playthrough. Each with a different way to experience the trek through madness. That and one of the most difficult static survival modes to ever grace the shmup genre!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Project Xenon Valkyrie+ (PS4)

Diabolical Mind and COWCAT Games take a tried and true indie platforming formula, jazz it up with impressive pixel art, and seal the deal with challenging gameplay that isn't off putting, but actually fun. The game comes complete with a light sprinkle of established lore about evil from the dark side of the moon encroaching on a civilization's turf with the intention of destroying all that is good. Past the hieroglyphics inspired telling of the world's looming disaster you are plunged beyond the animated display that is the story's prologue into a hub world with a crashed ship housing three could be heroes and heroines as well as a portal leading deeper into the alien world, and a shop of godlike gear to help you slay the evil that awaits you further into the game. There are no tutorials given beyond the set plot, and only through clicking the button prompts in front of NPC characters and items are you able to figure out a little more about the world, objectives, and features that will aid you as you go along from portal to portal facing a host of various alien creatures in a variety of different stages. Thankfully nothing in the game is overly complicated, and if you've ever played a game like Mega Man or any other Metroidvania you will be able to pick up on things rather easily.