Showing posts with label Double Dragon IV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Double Dragon IV. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Double Dragon IV (PS4)

I'm at a loss for words. I went into my playthrough of Arc System Work's "Double Dragon IV" hoping for an authentic trip down memory lane, but was met instead by "Sucker Punch Simulator 4.0". That's what it felt like. Sure the game took the series' main characters Billy and Jimmy, and followed up half-heartedly with a story that takes place after Double Dragon II's events, but the beefed up gameplay felt intentionally one-sided. I remember the first Double Dragon on the NES being sluggish, but not gang heavy like it is here. In this follow up there's way too many enemies onscreen at a time, especially with the sucker punches flying, and your character's inability to respond quickly to the threats at hand factored in. Not only that, but this latest Double Dragon adventure feels shallow, and without substance. Like a straightforward experience hindered by cheap fights, and cheaply made environmentally hazardous platforming. I'm truly surprised, and not in a good way.