Showing posts with label SOUL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOUL. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Meaning of Life, A Gift From Me & My Grandmother To You

In my mourning, in the passing of my beloved Grandmother life finally made sense. It took the hardest low hitting moment of my entire existence for me to finally realize what's truly important. We, as humans, complicate things unnecessarily. We truly do. We hang onto that which only serves to enslave us. The hate, the anger, the sadness, the worry, and the fear. We let it become our focus, and in doing so lose our freedom. True freedom. We don't realize that this world and life, in it's entirety, is what keeps us wanting, and longing for something better or something else. All the while if we only let it go, all that binds us to those Earthly desires, we could be free. We could be happy. As long as what we seek is of this world though it will only serve to enslave us to this plane of being. Let it go. Let the cards fall where they may, and realize that in passing life itself is not what's really going to matter in the end. What will matter is the peace that follows the realization that life is simply a conditioning of the soul. That every emotion we feel along the way, every idea that passes through our mind, and everything we do in response can either loosen our restraints, or keep us bound to the things that will not last. The things that are not important.

It is my privilege and honor to pass unto you, my friends, the meaning of life. Do with it as you will. Your life is your journey, and only you can make the decision to let go of that which keeps you from what is truly important. Peace be with you always.

Monday, July 25, 2011

SOUL(XBLIG): "A Creepy Journey to Heaven, or Hell"

SOUL is a creepy, and somewhat disturbing puzzle/maze game that was developed by KYDOS Studios. I sought out a review for this XBLIG title, because it was a video game with a horror twist. Aside from gaming I also love scary movies, and SOUL brings both forms of media together to make a terrifying yet satisfying experience. As a human soul you must make your way through several different mazes in order to reach heaven. Reaching that destination can become quite difficult at times. The challenging mazes in SOUL are brought to life with stunning visuals, and ambient sounds. You'll find that there's also a scary surprise that looms in the darkness of the game waiting for you ...