Showing posts with label Sony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sony. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Future of Gaming | My Concerns

As a gamer, and game reviewer I've gotten to see the industry and industry offerings from all points of view. I've seen the good, and bad side of things. In this current generation alone I've witnessed what could best be described as a decline in gamer friendly business. Whether it be microtransactions, politics, pandering, poor online management, or the lack of a quality experience for the price there is an obvious trend towards not caring about the gamer. The industry big wigs, in their desperate search for continuous growth, have all but forgotten what made video games so great. They've forgotten who got them where they are. They've cut corners, ignored fans' pleas, and have done business in the worst sorts of ways. Their bottom line being the money to be made.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

PlayStation's Lack of Moderation

Tonight, while playing on the PSN I was given a code of conduct breach notice for reporting players for network manipulation, modding, and potential hacking. All of which I 100% sent in as legitimate claims, and concerns. On average, when playing certain competitive online games, I report upwards of 30 players a session. I don't pull the accusations out of my ass as Sony's PlayStation moderators would have you believe, but base my claims on multiple signs that tie-in with a players' PSN profile and their actions in-game. No claim is given without merit. Upon reporting these players, an average acknowledged and processed report takes 1 to 5 minutes each. Nowhere near the time needed to properly investigate a player. In the world of PSN online gaming there are proven cases of hacking, modding, and lagswitching. Under Sony's/PlayStation's supervision most of this goes noticeably unchecked due to their poor selection of reporting options that DO NOT include options for connection tampering, modding, or hacking. I have to report the activity as "illegal" as the things I are reporting are illegal, and have to forego the lack of report options by using an option that does not directly cover the threats at hand, but offers a report form where I can type in what I suspect the player is doing.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Let's Talk - Video Games, Gaming & The Gaming Industry

It's been a while since I talked openly with my readers about my thoughts on the current path the gaming industry has taken. I've definitely had a lot on my mind in regards to it, but I've mostly confided in my one close friend who joins me for gaming sessions on a regular basis, because she listens. She's been coming to me for advice on what games to get, when it's best to adopt a new console, and where I think the gaming industry is headed. While I hated to be the bearer of bad news for her since she's new to modern gaming I had to be honest. Even though there are potentially good games on the horizon, and good games already released I can't help but think something is amiss in the industry. Something that could send gaming to an abysmal grave. The heart and soul of what gaming once was is simply no longer there. You have developers shoveling out sh*tware, console creators who are doing practically the same thing, and a universal focus on getting as much money as possible while putting in as little effort as possible. There is a sort of desperation in the air. You can feel it as you play some new game releases, and even in the world outside of gaming. We are faced with uncertain times, and I think industry providers are well aware of this. I feel that's why they are selling you crap. It's why they are begging you for money to support kickstarter projects that may never happen, and why they are still figuring out new ways to charge you extra for pieces of a gaming experience that should be complete at the sixty dollar price point.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Street Fighter V - Impressions (CENSORED VERSION)

The following critique is open for discussion between gamers, and members of the Capcom staff. All I ask in engaging in said conversation is that you keep things clean, and well thought out. Don't throw around expletives, or blame like a wayward child. If you have facts, or opinions based on said facts feel free to share them. Just do so modestly, and earnestly. The truth is what I personally aim to present here, and I hope you all take the time to do the same. Let us begin ...

First off I want to say that I honestly feel as if I just paid sixty dollars for a free-to-play fighter. What I mean by that is that SFV in it's current state is a lot like what Koei Tecmo, and the Killer Instinct developers offer up freely at base level with their core fighting game franchises. The only significant difference between those gaming experiences, and this one is that you get a full roster of currently available fighters. Does a full roster, and only a few modes warrant a sixty dollar price tag? I don't think so. Not only does SFV feel as if it should be a F2P game, it also still looks and feels as if it's in a Beta state. Not all features are functional, and not all listed offerings are readily available. A huge chunk of what should be there is not there. The added fact that online play is worse than last-gen's "Ultra Street Fighter IV" makes the experience even less worth the retail pricing than it already is. The one viable offline mode, as of now is the "Survival" mode. It is the only thing that is even really worth playing at this moment in time, and that's not saying a lot.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Old Man, The Children & The Playground

Once upon a time in a world much like our own there existed a place of financial mediocrity. The people who inhabited the cities, and their dwellings barely scraped by on their meager monetary income. For entertainment they'd seek out the simplest, and most affordable of pleasures. Often times they'd get lost in books filled with tales of fantasy, luxury, and things beyond their reach or understanding. They dreamed of the finer things, better places, and better times. For the most part their ideals, and their focus was very much like a dream, and even with the simplest of pleasures at hand they were able to create an entirely different coexisting world of their own in which their own trouble burdened world did not really matter. Generation after generation this ideology, and simple scraping by on meager financial earnings was passed down, but to a greater degree. New fads, and new ideas were born from the wood works often times offering the newer, and older generations something they had never experienced before. It wasn't until an old entrepreneur happened by though that their world of social entertainment was changed for the better, or perhaps the worst ...

Monday, January 11, 2016

The State of Destiny 2016

I've been outspoken about Destiny since it's launch. Sometimes I've praised it, and other times I've outright bashed it because of it's growing laundry list of problems. Even with it's major downsides though I continue to play the game with friends, and admittedly so. I liken said experience to beating my head against a brick wall, but finding euphoria in the trauma induced dizziness afterwards. It's just one of those things in life, I suppose ...

Seeing as it's 2016 I figured in my spare time between reviews that I'd try to breakdown my thoughts on what Destiny has become, and what needs to be done in order to revive fan's faith in the game/series. I definitely have a lot to say, and honestly a lot of it is going to put the game in the negative spotlight. At the same time though I want you to understand that I don't want to see the game fail. I don't want to see it in the state of mismanagement that it's in. I'm hoping the team at Bungie can get it together enough to do what needs to be done in order to reverse the damage that Destiny's current build has done to the morale of those who have invested so wholly in it.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Top 10 Video Games of 2014

Before I get into the thick of this article I'd like you to brace yourselves, and remain open minded. I'm almost certain some of my picks for this year will be met with criticism, but keep in mind my list is my own. This means that it is an opinion piece meant solely for like-minded individuals who appreciate my critiques, and feel the same way I do about video games. Always remember that opinions are like arseholes, and that everybody's got one. If you disagree with my opinions then your welcome to do your own list on your own blog, and claim that it lists the "Top 10 Video Games of 2014". With all that out of the way I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on each of my picks. Keep in mind it was a hard choice this time around as I played so many impressive, and wonderful games this year. Props to the devs whose games made my list, and a humble bow to all the runner ups who did good in their own way.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Staying Socially Relevant & Other Stuff ...

Socially relevant, I shall stay socially relevant. That's what I keep telling myself. Honestly, though my coverage of gaming is fading due to several different factors. For one thing I find that games worth reviewing, or talking about are becoming fewer, and further between. Most games are half-assed pieces of shite that never live up to the hype. Some are even blatant rip-offs meant solely for cheating gamers out of their hard earned money. In light of these blasphemous gaming developments my review requesting has waned, and rightfully so. I've found my passion for covering such games, and gaming topics dwindling. Gaming in general has become aggravating for me on so many levels. The online multiplayer experience that I once loved is being snuffed the f**k out by hackers, and is leaving a lot to be desired in it's wake. Even the offline only games are leaving a lot to be desired with their half-baked delivery. Seeing as new-gen consoles are mostly built for the online experience the consoles themselves are also posing a potentially threatening problem for the future of gaming. Where does a passionate journalist go from here? What does one do when they've reached a realization of what is truly happening to one of their most beloved hobbies? It's a question that I'm going to have to answer for myself before the new year comes into light as I may, or may not continue on this journalistic path due to the oppressing factors that weigh so heavily on me now. Heck I might even go retro before it's all over.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Game Developers, Half-Assed Releases & What To Do About the Issue

Okay. So, this is going to be a slight rant. It's directed solely at game developers, and content creators ...

We all know as gamers that everything from video games to patches/updates have been being botched, and released regardless of their unsatisfactory condition. This has got to stop. What it all boils down to is pure laziness, a lack of commitment to the product, and a lack of willingness to supply the funds needed to make things right. If you are going to make a game set in an online environment, or even an offline game it is imperative that you get things right from the start, and that you work out all the kinks before it hits shelves. There's no if's, and's, or butt's (I typed it that way on purpose) about it. If you are not willing to fund a team who can get such a job done then you do not need to be releasing the game, or patch in the first place. While I could point fingers, and call names all day I'm going to go a different route, and offer up a viable suggestion that will help get the development process back on the right track, and no it does not require more money to do ...

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Let's Talk - "PS Vita"

For the longest time now Sony's PS Vita has fallen under the scrutiny of gamers, and like-minded biased journalists who haven't even experienced the console for themselves. Like most products on the internet, one biased, and uneducated journalist/gamer spouts nonsense about what he/she doesn't know about the console, and in turn has all of their followers believing the same damn thing. This act of leading the gamer astray then leads to more of the negative news spreading through other journalistic outlets, and the internet itself. The fact that Sony does little in the way of promoting the underrated handheld through informative ads, and commercials further leads potential buyers to believe what they hear in regards to these rumors/gossip.

There's actually a lot Sony could be doing to improve upon sales of the PS Vita, and they could be thwarting the threat of falsely biased opinions by doing said things, but they act as if they don't want to support the Vita much at all any more. Sure the PS Vita is getting numerous noteworthy releases, and additional content on a regular basis, but without proper promotion, and consumer education it will never be able to rise as the great handheld console that it truly is. As it stands the PS Vita has an impressive game library that outshines that of the 3DS by a longshot, and is one that is being constantly updated with more titles of significance than the PS4, and PS3. Not only that, but it also has superb graphics in comparison to Nintendo's 3DS as well as audio capabilities that push such a console's limits. Coming from a man who owns & plays both said handhelds I can honestly atest to the durabilty, and overall quality construction of the Vita as well. I've dropped my PS Vita several times, and it has yet to break in any way. Not only that, but the applied controls feel much more natural than that of the 3DS. Sadly without gamers admitting to such things though the popularity of the Vita will eventually fade out, and the console itself will eventually die out as a gaming alternative.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

PS Vita Console Review

I have been so tied up with work on game, and dvd reviews lately that I totally forgot to do a 'PS Vita' review. This is a huge oversight on my part in that I have spent most of my time gaming on the Vita since I bought it late last year. For those of you looking for a proper handheld, and are trying to decide between going for Nintendo's 3DS, or Sony's PS Vita I will try my best to give you all the necessary details to make that decision an easier one. I'm not gonna go the fanboy route, and say that the 3DS is garbage in comparison to the Vita, because the fact is I've never played a 3DS. My goal is simply to give you details on what the PS Vita offers the consumer.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Microsoft to Ban Campers

Recently during my browsing of my favorite Youtube channels I happened across a disturbing commentary by "ReviewTechUSA". In it the commentator stated that Microsoft's decision to ban gamers who camp in "Call of Duty" games was an "Awesome" move. His reasoning behind this was simply that he despised being killed off by campers. I think we can all agree that being killed off by campers in-game sucks, but at the same time I personally do not agree with his brand of thinking. There's ways around the "Camper" phenomenon, but there's no way to combat the immense amount of hacking that is the true threat to online CoD. Microsoft, and Sony both do not want to deal with the nagging complaints from gamers such as myself who constantly remind them that hacking is a prominent threat in online gaming. Not only do these corporate bigwigs want to pass the buck off to some other issue such as 'Camping", and ignore hacking altogether, but they are also ill-equipped to handle the ever-growing issue that is hacking.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Let's Talk - "Game & Console Sales Statistics"

Ever since the next-gen consoles have come into play the gaming industry, and those who are supporting it's various offerings have been throwing out huge numbers like nobody's business. Microsoft sold so many millions of Xbone consoles, Sony sold so many millions of PS4 consoles, and now "Killzone: Shadow Fall" has sold 2,500,000 copies!!! Wow folks, just wow. I'm here tonight to tell you that while numbers mean a lot in this world of ours they don't always speak the truth. Sure Microsoft, and Sony did good for themselves in selling millions of units, and sure Guerrilla Games sold a lot of copies of the latest Killzone entry. It doesn't mean jack sh*t to us gamers though. You have to take a look at certain underlying factors to really see how these companies did with their sales, and how well they did in impressing their audience. Sony, and Microsoft for example want you to forget that some of their freshly shipped, and consumer bought consoles met an early demise due to hardware failures. They also want you to overlook the fact that both consoles, while new are currently lacking in the game department, and that gamers are often times ditching the "Next-Gen" experience for some retro gaming as a result. Not everyone is happy in next-gen wonderland as it may seem, and I can guarantee you a lot of gamers aren't satisfied with the latest offerings regardless of their purchases. The question in the end is how good are these products, really.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up - 1/26/2014

As you probably noticed this article before you is an entirely new addition to my gaming blog. My friend @oOScottyBOo over at Twitter inspired me to make this weekly feature, and make it a mainstay here at "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno". You might be asking yourself what the heck is a "Weekly Wrap Up"? The "Weekly Wrap Up" is basically going to be a weekly article that I'll post each Sunday containing an insight on my week's worth of gaming activities. The topics I cover can range from rants to talks about the various games that I've spent my time playing, and what I thought about them. I might also mention games that I've picked up during the week, and let you know if they are worth your time, and money. For sh*ts & giggles I might also throw in a funny gaming story, or something humorous that I encountered in that particular week. Seeing as this is the first entry in my "Weekly Wrap Up" series I'll be covering a lot of things about my gaming activities during this week in order to give the series a proper jump start. Keep in mind though that these articles will vary in length, and can be anywhere from a few paragraphs to more than 10. It all depends on how much time I choose to spend on it. I hope that you enjoy this series of sneak peeks into my personal gaming life, and that it gives you something to think, or talk about until next weekend's post. Enjoy!

Friday, December 20, 2013

POS - "Piece Of Silver, Less Than Gold"

This my friends is an open letter to the online gaming community, and the companies that make the online gaming experiences possible. I have personally reached the point to where I'm about to give up on fighting games entirely, and possibly even online gaming. This possible future decision of mine is due to the POS (Piece of Shit) gamers out there who think it's alright to ruin the online experience with their BS antics. The fact is that many people in the gaming community have begun to think that this hacking, lagswitching, and cheap play is an acceptable thing since it has become so commonplace. I see more an more gamers giving into the cheaper side of gaming as a result. It's like a bad f*cking pandemic that's spreading like wildfire. Well I'm here to tell you differently. IT IS NOT OKAY! Just because a million gamers across the globe choose to act like trolling jackasses doesn't make it an acceptable trend. I don't think it's alright, and you shouldn't either. In fact as consumers we should be bitching about this with our wallets, and with our words. Until something effective is done about the matter no one should spend one damn cent. Someone in the industry needs to step up to the plate, and do something about this growing problem. I, myself have given advice on numerous occasions as to what could be done, but sadly my expert advice is falling on deaf ears. I believe it would take a million of us saying the same thing to get the point across, and unfortunately that sort of percentage lies with the ones causing the issue.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lets' Talk - "Youtube's Copyright Apocalypse"

This morning while doing my usual Youtube browsing I happened upon one of the most unnerving videos ever related to the gaming/entertainment industry. Boogie2988, the great Youtuber that he is decided to give us fair warning about Youtube's copyright policy change, and did so in a well spoken and professional manner. He was to the point with his argument, and everything he said was relevant. For that I'm truly thankful. I myself have been hit in the past by copyright claims, an would hate to have to pony up a serious amount of dough for legal purposes for my continued inactions. Being hit by a copyright notice earlier in the week was enough I to make me take the hint, and clean out my own Youtube channel this morning. I think deep down I knew this day was coming, especially seeing as the gaming industry as a whole has become one large greedy cesspool. There's no doubt in my mind that game developers, console makers, and entertainment providers alike are going to see this thing through to it's bitter end. All they are concerned about is getting rich, and they don't care how they go about it. You better believe that these creators of the gaming/entertainment industry could care less about the consumer, and more about themselves.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

TuneIn Radio App (PS VITA)

I'm a long time fan of music. Growing up I listened to everything from classical symphonies to heavy metal on my radios, cassette players, and even CD players. Music often times has been my peaceful escape when I needed some R&R, and has even inspired me to draw some of my greatest artistic masterpieces from time to time. Without music I think we can all agree that the world would be a much duller place. It is the music that breathes life into onscreen action whether it be in video games, or the latest movie releases. It is music that lulls us to sleep as children, and that inspires us to do our best. Throughout the years, and through many innovative creations music has been brought to us in the convenience of our own homes as well as in our daily outdoor activities. While the record players of yesteryear are a whisper of the distant past things like mobile apps continue to give us the opportunity to listen to the music we want to hear whenever, and wherever we want to hear it. One such app has been recently introduced on the PS VITA. While the PS VITA is more of a gaming device than a proper music source it still acts as a proper platform for the music that is made available through the traditional radio stations.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Art of the Month Update & Special Review Opportunity

In this blog update I have two new things that I need to discuss. First of all the lovely, and very talented UK artist 'Danielle Tunstall' has agreed to be this blog's official artist of the month. This means that every month, from now until the end of the blog's life span readers will be privileged to see 6 new pieces of her art. They will be located in the usual spot for ease of access. Danielle sells her art often in the form of prints, and even amazing toys called "Dunnys". Anytime I see her share info about her products on Twitter I will retweet them, so that you can make the most of her often times discounted deals. From time to time I will even provide links to her Ebay items as well as other Danielle Tunstall art related links. She's an amazing artist, and it truly is an honor to be able to share her art with you on a monthly basis.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Next-Gen Console Discussion w/OtakuDante

Okay. So here I am sitting in front of my PC as mother nature takes a proper sh*t on my day. I figure why not type up my thoughts about the Xbox One, and the PS4 while I await my untimely demise. As most of you are aware I've been very opinionated these past several months with the way gaming in general has turned out. I've bought game after game for both the PS3 & Xbox 360 in hopes of finding something worth my time and money. Unfortunately with each game purchase I've found nothing but half-assed releases, and games that are almost immediately overrun by the worst sorts of gamers (hackers, lagswitchers ...). It is this growing trend of game development half-assery, and online tomfoolery that have me worried the most about the offerings of next-gen consoles. Are the console developers, and main gaming companies going to be able to produce noteworthy products/titles? Are they going to be able to offer a secure online experience with a proper reporting/banning system, or is it going to be a repeat of what we are experiencing now? These are the things that concern me. Sure the blocking of used games is a bummer, and always online seems a little fishy, but my worries lie mainly with the social aspects of gaming consoles.