Showing posts with label greed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greed. Show all posts

Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Parable Of The Farmer And The Rabbits And How It Pertains To The Gaming Industry

These days the gaming industry providers, and creators are so wholly focused on the money making aspect of what they do that they are losing creativity, originality, and quality in their greedy pursuit. It is this reason that I shared on Twitter a short parable with a moral breakdown regarding what such a focus can, and will do to big business. I urge you to share the parable, and for industry persons to take heed of it. It's a valuable lesson even though it's mildly applied. Enjoy the read!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hobby Destroyers The Gaming Industry Dilemma As I See It

While the title of this post is broad I'd like to focus mostly on gaming, and the game industry. I'd like to talk about the key points that would turn me away from gaming should they come to fruition. I'd also like to talk a little about the direction gaming is taking, and what this possibly means for the future of gaming itself ...

In the past several years we've seen mainstay creators in the gaming industry twist, and taint the entertainment offerings thereof in a variety of concerning ways. Both for gamers, and for the developers who create the content said gamers consume. We've witnessed Microsoft, and Sony start a console war in which they each released a few different versions of their new-gen console hardware while completely ignoring how it impacted early adopters, and the fact that it made useless consoles that in previous generations would have had a much longer lifespan where games were the focus instead of the consoles themselves. This race to win over the gaming crowd has cost these companies trust among the gaming community, and lost some dedicated service subscribers that would have possibly stuck around if it weren't for the poor decisions made.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

What if games are being created to grief & cheat you?

Did you ever feel like the odds in competitive games were unfairly stacked against you? That certain things seemed so blatantly, and obviously placed in the AI's or other players' favor that it was more than just a coincidence? Well, you are not alone. It has been speculated by many gamers that certain games are being manipulated for one reason or the other. In Destiny, for example an overwhelming community majority thinks Bungie has purposefully ignored complaints about unfair adjustments, and that through their disregard for the gamer have made things purposefully unfair. Some claim the matchmaking is intentionally geared to pair top tier players against players doing questionable things online. Often times it's the gamers who are calling out Bungie on these things in their forums that see the greatest negative impact to their k/d. Not only that, but Bungie moderators also remove posts that make them out to be guilty, and sometimes ban complainers from the forums entirely.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Let's Talk - "Going All Digital"

It's midway into my day, and I just got word via +boogie2988  on Youtube that Gamestop is basically shutting down it's gaming business for a business venture in mobile phones, and tablets. While that's a whole clusterf*ck in itself I want preach a sermon on something else that relates to the mobile gaming industry, and the digital practices it entails. This is a lesson in "Have & Have Not", as it were. Some of you in this world may be thinking this very day about the future of entertainment, and that going all digital is not a bad thing. WELL YOU'RE !@#$% WRONG! Let me explain why. In this world we live in today the stock market is dwindling, paychecks are harder to come by, consumer spending is at an all time low, and damned if gaming companies, and companies in general aren't going under one right after the other. What I see in the midst of the monetary maelstrom is a bunch of people trying to grasp for substance, and people who are trying there hardest to get that one thing that ensures a decent living. This "thing" is known as money. The root of all evil. Companies these days have turned to various greedy practices to get as much of this money as possible. Individuals themselves are even hacking accounts and scamming others to do exactly the same. Money is on everybody's mind. It's what makes the world go round.