Monday, May 13, 2024

The Land Beneath Us | PS5

Dear Villagers' latest roguelike release introduces to us a simulated computer world lightly steeped in Welsh mythology wherein the would be hero is tasked with saving it's real world creator. The creator, having dabbled in soul farming for the betterment of humanity through technology, has attracted the attention of some really bad guys. The devilish sort. Thus getting herself whisked away to God knows where ... most likely Hell. 

As the duly appointed protagonist you take on turn based battles in isometric tile lined floors in set locations that are equally as rewarding as they are treacherous. Guided by the Main PC AI, and beholden to a hub of sorts that allows for upgrades, quest fulfillment, and the venturing forth into the various Hellscapes from the land below you must rinse and repeat playthroughs until you've beaten the final boss. Through gateways of varying types on each floor that are made available upon a room clearing you'll find lucrative opportunities to deck out your weapons and relics build while harvesting currencies, and dealing with the bad guys. A means to an end.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Candle Knight | PS5 Review

Jandusoft & Dracma Studios', "Candle Knight" is a simple yet challenging Metroidvania soulslike with a cryptic and lightly poetic story about a dream involving a conjoined hero destined to either be a shining beacon or a fiery burden on the kingdom from which he hails. One could assume this hero or anti-hero is the Candle Knight, the game's titular protagonist. 

Assumptions aside you will find for certain that gameplay in "Candle Knight" is a mixture of Metroidvania exploration and soulslike combat, to a lesser degree. That of which is wholly centered around an ignition gauge system with three tiers of heat that each carry with them damage and defensive balances that change according to attacks and blocking done in combat situations. Making it imperative to mind your ignition state for each battle, be it big or small.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Space Mercenary Defense Force | PS5

Space Mercenary Defense Force, EastAsiaSoft's latest out of this world indie, adopts survivor-like genre mechanics set in arena based shmup gameplay modes that's all about planetary defense against aliens and modified challenges for score, EXP, and currency. 

Utilizing one of several ships with set stats pertaining to on deck module slots, shield, speed, and damage you must kill off the perpetually pursuing alien swarms and their boss-like leaders as you improve upon modular offenses, utilities, and your base turrets using an EXP leveling system to do so. All in a 20 minute long excruciating fight for survival wherein the wrong setup decision can lead to a premature demise. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Age of Water | PS5

Age of Water is Gaijin Entertainment's latest entry to sail onto the MMORPG scene. At it's helm is a quirky casting of diverse characters not unlike those seen in Borderlands. Their world, a flooded Earth wherein the polar ice caps melted covering every facet of land, almost completely. Only leaving the tops of skyscrapers and mountains to be safe havens for the remaining human population. 

Since resources are scarce in this post-flood world there's constant warring via factions over said goods that occur in what is best described as Waterworld-esque sea skirmishes. Looters, bounty hunters, men of law, and pirates themselves are all out to nab the treasures they need to barter, and upgrade their ships with. Each at odds with everyone else out for the same base needs. It is quite literally survival of the fittest. You either sink or swim in this Dystopian future.