Monday, September 17, 2018

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (PS4)

NIS has tried several different approaches to the oldschool maze exploration RPG formula. Most of them were just alright. They did something different, and new every time, but visually lacked that signature NIS appearance in a lot of cases. Using a familiar witch theme, a few features from "The Witch and the Hundred Knight", and other series though this game comes together in such a way as to be both visually inviting, and more fun than the usual labyrinthine affair. At the heart of the story you will follow along as Dusk Witch Dronya, and her loyal apprentice Luca put on one hell of a puppet show. Chasing after the secrets of the Labyrinth of Refrain, which resides in the town of Refrain somewhere in the mystical world of Tanis Dronya seeks to uncover via puppets what she herself cannot gather. Due to miasma blocking any human entrance Dronya uses a magical soul possessed book known as the Tactatum de Monstrum to lead a brigade of puppet led covens into the mysterious maze in order to find rare items, and ultimately the secret that lies at it's core. A secret that could spell doom for the world, or grant such wondrous things as immortality.

Using Dronya's Gypsy caravan as a base of operations you will forward the story at hand through key events while delving deeper, and deeper into the Labyrinth of Refrain as you grow, and micro-manage your army of puppet soldiers. The fight at hand is the usual SRPG turn based ordeal, but with a twist. Both Tractie (Tractatum de Monstrum), and the brigade of puppet soldiers each have class, or facet abilities that will grant certain skills, or donum which can be used to fight the guarding residents of the labyrinth. Tractie itself has abilities that it can learn over time through forward progress, or through a caravan option that will grant new perks for mana. Mana happens to play a huge role in both labyrinth exploration, and upgrades. In the labyrinth which is a floor by floor maze-like map filled with enemies, switches, doors, and secrets you'll find that overly collecting can bring on some negative effects making your trek through the darkness all the more difficult. Stay within the threshold though, and you will reap some benefits such as rarer item finds.

Of course the deeper you go into the Labyrinth of Refrain the more difficulty the peril will be. You'll have to upgrade Tractie with new perks/skills to withstand the more potent miasma infested corridors as well as level up, and equip your coven facets/puppets to be better fitted for the increasing enemy threats that come in the form of lesser minions, and bosses. Getting to a certain point early on Tractie will be able to spot enemies, and choose to either engage them or standby/hide. This adds a more stealth element to maze progression,and allows your brigade to survive longer if you have characters/puppets that are in disrepair. While there are some traps, and pitfalls along the way the main threat will be the lurking, and guarding enemy creatures patrol some hallways, and entrances. That, and the pivotal boss creatures/characters. Minding where you are going via the pop-up map is a must for safe navigation, and the finding of marked mana and treasures.

When it comes to constructing your brigade of covens, and puppet facets in the game you'll find that the customization is quite generous. You'll be able to choose from six facets (classes) with male/female options as well as visual variations for each. Each of which will either fall into the defensive, offensive, or mixed categories. These facets will also be best suited for either the vanguard (front) position in the party formation, or in the rearguard (back). The covens to which your faceted characters are assigned will have roles to play, and can be placed under certain role oriented labels. Things like attack, healer, schemer, and others will open up the ability to learn new donum skills which can be used so long as you have the donum points to do so. Think of them as MP in any other JRPG, just under another name. The donum skills are your standard RPG skills ranging from support to defense, and even offense based special actions. These options only come into play during combat along side a defensive fortify option as well as an item, and escape option.

Commanding your brigade is as you'd expect from RPGs of this sort. You'll select an action, a target, and then follow up with the execution. Choosing what to do when will be super crucial, because your puppet soldiers are more like puppets than you might think. The puppets in-game are vulnerable to part damage, and destruction. Taking on critical hits, especially critical gore hits can destroy key puppet parts resulting in the loss of significant base stats, and functions. Playing smart is the only way to keep your brigade alive long enough to loot that next rare item, or to meet up with the next exclamation marked event sequence. Your goal, in the end, is not to complete a complete Labyrinth playthrough in one go, but instead to find what you need to find, and do what you need to do before you meet the mana restriction limit, or die off in an attempt to make progress. Between the battles, exploration, and looting you will be returning to the caravan to witness the story unfold through Dronya, Lucan, and the other cast of Refrain characters they interact with.

The caravan, and refrain will be where you can comeback to create more puppets as well as repair, and destroy unwanted puppets. Ultimately building upon, and fine tuning your covens, and brigade. You'll also be able to shop at the acting Mayor's shop for single use items and other wares as well as dispatch your brigade back to the Labyrinth for further exploration. Returning to the caravan intact will refill HP, and DP (dunom points) as well. The more you play the more features will become available at the caravan, and within the game in general. Between the Labyrinth descent, the looting, and the party management there's a lot to do. While it might seem like mundane tasking to some it's livened up by the mature yet charming tale that's being spun, as well as the visually impressive display that features some of NIS's finest art, and animation. Accented by a soundtrack, and voice-over talent reminiscent of that in "The Witch and the Hundred Knight" the absurd interactions between key characters such as that of Dronya, and Luca come to life in such a way as to keep you invested long enough to get to that next cutscene, or dialogue driven conversation. In spoken English, or in vocal Japanese with subtitles "Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk" is an experience worth buying at day one. It's comical, whimsical, and quite mature for a game so colorful, and cute in display. I cannot recommend this game enough, and if you are a diehard NISA fan this is most definitely a must buy when it arrives on the 18th of September 2018. Don't miss out on Dronya and Luca's adventures in the Labyrinth of Refrain!!!

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