Friday, March 27, 2020

Freedom Finger (PS4)

Wide Right Interactive's "Freedom Finger" is an unapologetic middle finger to everything anti-freedom, and everything anti-American. It is coined as being a "Bat Sh*t Crazy Space Shooter", and that's exactly what it is. It takes politics, throws in some 'HEAVY METAL" inspired songs, and sends your ship the Eagle Claw on a fight and flight mission against communist China, and their imperial leader Kang. All while giving you absurd real world quotes during intermissions from real world politicians. At times inserting profanity the likes of which haven't been seen in a PS4 video game since I don't know when. Through grabbing, middle finger shooting, and fisting mechanics you will literally give the opposition what for in the most crude of ways. Led by a foul mouthed general whose daughter has been kidnapped, and a mission control supervisor of mediocre mannerisms you'll face a campaign, and arcade mode experience unlike any other as you fight for freedom. Complete with top tier voice acting, trippy visuals, a rocking soundtrack and pro-American sentiment this shoot 'em up is likely to go down in history as the final middle finger to those who go against human rights.

Freedom Finger, and it's trio of shmup mechanics aims to tell the gaming world like it is in the most brash manner. You will literally be shooting communist spacecraft from a ship shaped like a hand giving the middle finger. It is this ship called the Eagle's Claw that can not only "shoot the bird", but fist, and grab other ships that each give you what you need to complete each stage, and come out on top of  the game's global leaderboards. The mechanics themselves harbor certain in-game effects that plays into both the environmental design, and the enemy confrontation. Being beneficial if you utilize them correctly. The bird shot is of course your main shot while the fisting allows for big object, and greater enemy destruction as well as button activation. Leaving the grabbing to gift you the ability of different shot types depending on which spacecraft you grab as well as the ability to throw said ships at other ships. Learning the most effective use of each of these mechanics is crucial if you want to avoid filling up the spy/stealth meter as they escape past you. The spy or stealth meter is what makes utilizing everything in the most efficient more important and more rewarding. It fills up only as enemies escape past your ship, and should it fill up completely it's a GAME OVER for you. Along with that meter comes a health meter that depletes as you get hit by objects, ships, or the environmental hazards. There are no health refills, so once your HP is fully depleted you'll be greeting the Grim Reaper at the GAME OVER screen.

Modes in "Freedom Finger" come in two varieties. You'll get the Campaign with the character dialogue from the cockpit of the Eagle's Claw between each stage as well as the story behind this politically motivated shmup. The second mode of choice is Arcade mode, and it is a basic plot absent version of the Campaign with selectable stages made available at the mode's menu. In both the campaign, and arcade mode your end results will be tallied up upon completion. This will take in account how much you used each of the three base mechanics as well as your health, and stealth meter standings among other things. These scores along with a lettered grade will be placed alongside your PSN ID on the game's leaderboard/s. It should be noted that each stage is named after a song, and the associated band. As you play through the stages, which are a 2D side-scrolling affair, you will get to hear the songs play out in full.

Tweaks, and settings come with a few political pokes as well. The difficulty setting for example includes a "Normie" setting as well as a "Diapers" setting. You can likely guess which difficulty is which. There's even harder difficulties should you be bold enough to take them on. Also included in the settings is a profanity switch list. You can toggle on, and off the various obscenities if they hurt your feefees. This includes censoring the ship's middle finger as well as the language.

The Verdict ...

Hot damn!!! Is this my kind of game!!! So often you see games pushing politics that are anti-American, and anti-freedom, but hardly any that ever stick up for America and freedom. While the politics will likely turn away part of the gaming populous I think it's a well crafted game with top tier talent on display. Nolan North included. As I said in the beginning it seems to take inspiration from the animated film "Heavy Metal", and that alone scores some major points for it from me. The soundtrack is actually quite good, and fits the cartoonish style of art that is the main feature of the game. The hilarious take on shmup mechanics are also quite genius while hilarious at the same time. A stick it to the man kind of deal that really sends the message home. As far as recommending it goes it gets a resounding "Hell YES!!!" from yours truly!!! At 6.66GB you can bet your bottom dollar it's one heck of an experience!!!

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