Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wife Quest | PS4 Review

Wives, and girlfriends can be quite protective of their husbands, and partners. Jealousy is definitely a thing in some relationships. And as "Wife Quest" would have it such too is the case for the wife in this scintillating tale of a husband kidnapped by beastly babes. It seems farmer Fernando, and his short tempered waifu Mia have been being harassed by the local monster girls on a regular basis. Fernando, in particular. Everyone including Mia wants a piece of Fernando, and all Fernando wants is peace. Caught up in the clutches of a harem of horny hotties Fernando is fated to be rescued by his beloved in a topsy turvy take on the old damsel in distress situation. In essence Fernando is now the dude in distress awaiting rescue from his fair maiden. Mia is all up in arms for the job too as her temper knows no bounds. 

In Wife Quest the roles of rescue are reversed as Mia takes on the job of the resident heroine. Mia has had enough as the monster girls who have been flirting with her husband Fernando have finally wisped him away from her to their various realms for some suggestive fun time. In hot pursuit Mia, with sword in hand, chases down the monster girls giving them what for. Fernando in the meantime is helpless in the ordeal. Bound and frequently abused by the envious monster girls. 

As Mia you start your quest to save your husbando Fernando with nothing but a sword in hand, and anger to boot. With the sword, and within the given realms of fantasy, you as Mia must slash away at the competition while applying the finishing moves to those that stand in Mia's way. Through Mia you must additionally defeat the several beastly bosses so that she can gain access to their unique abilities for further pursuit as Fernando is passed around helplessly like a perverted play thing. Mia can then also use their abilities to further fatally dispatch those between her and her prized possession. Through the local shop and it's dwarven mistress of wares Ymir, Mia is further able to spend looted gold coins found along the way on equipment, and refill items for use. This includes more powerful swords, new fashions, inventory improving backpacks, and magic among other things. The kind of adventurer stuff you'd expect from an RPG.

Level by level, and stage by stage Mia is tasked with not only dispatching all monster girls with an applied animated finishing move, but also in looting the several stages for what they are worth while speed running her way to her betrothed, Fernando. This is done in a 2D platforming sort of way with hazards, and monster girls standing between Mia and the laundry list of things to do laid out by shop owner Ymir. Each with it's own reward for completion. Defeating the beastly bosses is your end game goal though, and doing so will open up access to monster abilities that will aid in the more difficult to traverse levels and stages. Each level has upwards of around 15 stages or areas, and each stage playthrough is timed by an ticking timer. Each stage also hides secret areas with treasure chests available for the looting, and to 100% complete each level and said sub-set of stages you'll need to help Mia loot everything, and kill all monster girls as well.

As monster girls are a main focus both in the story, and the gameplay they are also a lucrative reward opportunity. By defeating, and finishing off the feral female fauna you'll unlock gallery items like finisher animations, and character art. There's even songs from the game's soundtrack that can be found, and listened to in the gallery menu. Let us also not forget the achievements, and trophies you can earn for certain in game feats. That, and a bonus magical mode that is unlocked by first completing the standard mode of play.

The Verdict ...

Mia's maniacal misadventures, and her pursuit of Fernando make for one hell of an interesting experience. It is comical, brutal, and satisfying in a way not usually seen in a game of this type. Mia really shines as the jealous waifu, and Fernando despite being tempted, stays faithful to her hoping that she comes to his rescue. The ongoing conversations between Mia, and the monster girls adds a bit of lewd hilarity to the situation as well. It's light adult fun with some cussing to go along with it all. Definitely not your kid friendly type of game, in that regard. 

When it comes to the stage design the game is kind of light on combat outside of boss fights and heavy on the platforming elements. You'll find that monster girls are few and far between with small amounts of variations shown while the platforming seems to be the main focus as it adds to the speed run nature of the game. It's basic, but challenging. Fun, but sometimes frustrating. Getting greedy during a boss fight will definitely cause you some retries as will being careless in the stages of each themed level. For what it's worth I fell in love with Fernando's plight, and Mia's rage induced pursuit of her husbando. It's a budget priced experience at the end of the day, and what it does it does good enough. I'd recommend it in a heartbeat, but only if you're old enough. As cute as this game might seem it is brash with it's adult themed content. Making it more for the teenage to adult crowd. If that's okay with you then don't miss out!

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