Monday, August 22, 2022

Yars': Recharged | PS4 Review

The Yars' games of yesteryear and Atari fame were not without their lore. As such it kind of saddens me to say that once again the developer dropped that aspect of the game in favor of gameplay. Minor complaints aside, this recharged reimagining of Atari's "Yars' Revenge" packs a helluva punch with it's gameplay presentation. Focusing mainly on two modes of play including arcade, and mission you'll find plenty to return to as you shoot or nibble your way to that top score. 

The gameplay objectives, regardless of mode, are not unlike the methods of a murder hornet setting up shop in a bee's hive. As one of two winged alien humanoids you have to harvest energy from protective honeycomb like barriers surrounding your enemies, and destroy defense cores/turrets in order to make vulnerable said enemy's super weapon that lies behind them all. All while dodging bullets, and one hit cannon blasts. Doing so fills up an energy gauge, and gains you pilot seat access to a super cannon that can deal the deathblow to your alien adversary in two well placed shots. Attempts at clearing these battles are governed mostly by your life stock of three hits, and your ability to dodge threats while minding the end goal with your variety of attack options. It is with those three hits, and your skills that you'll either succeed or fail at your mission. It goes without saying that you can go solo or have a friend tag along for some local co-op in both the arcade and mission modes.

Hardly recognizable in comparison to the source material "Yars' Recharged" does good to up the ante when it comes to mechanics. Outside of the objectives mentioned earlier you can start off an arcade run by mixing, and pairing three different types of bonuses that double as specific playstyles as well as score boosters. It is possible to select all three bonuses including Hyper, Hunger, and Hard Cannon. Giving a 3x stack of 2.5% score multiplier on top of time, and life remaining totals at the end of a run. 

In regards to differences Hyper acts as the fast moving variant of your character with bullets as a weapon. Hunger, on the other hand, is an up close and personal munching style attack forcing the player to more carefully deal with defensive, and offensive obstructions. Lastly, the Hard Cannon is a harder hitting bullet shooter type with different bullet power-ups made available from downed cores. Combining these three bonuses in various ways does take into consideration each variant's mechanics, and blends them accordingly. Sometimes giving you things like the fast paced movement of Hyper, but with the melee attacks of Hunger if you were to pair those two. Mixing all three gives you hard hitting bullets, fast speed, and the melee attacks. As previously mentioned if you do mix all three that's a triple boosted bonus score to boot. Not saying that that's the best way to get the highest score though as whatever the player is most comfortable with will better insure a longer playthrough, and a higher score.

Missions in the recharged version of 'Yars' Revenge' are a one, and done deal with specific alien defense/offense layouts that are both themed and named according to approach. While you would continue forward in arcade after each successful clearing through 60 stages with renewed life/hit stock after each stage clearing such accommodations are not made readily available in the mission side of things. You have three hits, and if you die it's GAME OVER. Only when you clear a mission will it be counted as such. Showcasing your latest highest score, and unlocking the next mission in line.

For those looking for extras there's honestly not much there for nostalgia sake. No retro art, or references. No graphics filters, no banners, or screen ratio options. It's only bonus content comes with the trophies list that houses all the obtainable trophies, and the feats that were required to obtain them. There's that, and the credits which reference the Atari original as being the inspiration for this particular remake. Worth noting as well is the new soundtrack which definitely has an alien theme about it. A sort of synthwave/techno soundtrack

The Verdict ...

How does it hold up? Well, the recharged series are budget titles that normally cost just under $10. They're usually only inclusive of an arcade, and mission mode. Little else. That does not change with "Yars' Recharged". Where this game stands out though is in the gameplay. It is so standout in nature, and so unique in comparison of modern shmups that it offers something truly refreshing. With just two modes of play, and two ways to play them this version of the classic shines enough to be both fun, and addictive. It's the type of game someone can go back to in order to shoot for that highest score, and the accompanying bragging rights. The bonus mechanics also change up the player approach, and fit perfectly with the objective/score based gameplay. Personally, I enjoyed it. Having owned an Atari 2600, and "Yars' Revenge" myself I can see the stark contrast, and still get behind this newer version. It's a classic whose upgrade paid off, and I hope you give it a chance if you also love the retro games of old.

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