Thursday, January 12, 2023

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider | PS4

Returning to the 16-bit era of gaming greatness, and the inspirations of yesteryear we find a game that not only touches base on the real world threat of totalitarianism, but through it's protagonist manages to shed a faint glimmer of hope for a would be resistance. In the world of "Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider", a melding of biomechanical weaponry and super soldiers, we find a resurrected guardian intended to be the totalitarian regime's protector. Somehow though this guardian's programming turns it against it's creators in a twist of fate, and in a vengeful flash of steel the samurai clad cyber sentinel sets out to exact his revenge saving the world from tyranny.

As the Moonrider, or guardian, you have a mission to fulfill. A revenge quest to stop the tyrannical regime from unleashing bioweapons upon the world. This revenge quest spans several differently themed locales setup in old school action platformer fashion with varied gameplay approach accounted for. Taking hints from games like "Ninja Gaiden", and "Contra", in retrospect. With each mission, and each location comes an alphabetically platforming speed run focused challenged where mastering the mechanics, and dishing out death without taking damage is the end goal. Rewarding you in kind for a perfect playthrough.

Armed with a deadly katana and special projectile attacks assigned to a pop-up menu wheel that can be obtained as well as selected from on the go you will run, attack, dive kick, and wall jump as you make your way through the branching paths of each platforming laden stage. Looking for additional perk chips that will add things like MP regen should you be so lucky to find them. Something that ties into special attack usage, and other mechanics. Two of which can be equipped at a time for added benefit. Also on the agenda are the the occasional sub-boss battles, and boss battles. Each of which are led by a statically positioned, and spawning variety of lesser enemies that will try to keep you from reaching those goals. Even traps, and pitfalls lie in wait to take from your set stock of lives. Lives of which can be obtained, but are initially limited to 3. 

The Presentation ...

Presentation is this game's biggest selling point outside of it's homage to older titles of the bygone 16-bit era. It features a highly detailed collection of character sprites, cutscene imagery, and level design. Making way for some of the most grotesque looking biomechanical monstrosities ever to grace a 2D Metroidvania/action platformer. Accented on top of all that by dismemberment animations, and bloody looking explosive effects that occur when an enemy is defeated. Audibly the game has a soundtrack fitting of the sci-fi story alongside it's visual design. Giving way to classical chiptunes reminiscent of games like Contra. 

The Gameplay ...

Functionally, controlling the guardian, or Moonrider feels a bit loose and delayed in-game. Jumping, and wall-jumping feels a bit floaty, and the dive kick you can do which comes in a near, and far variety often times does not come out as you need it to due to a slight offset tilt of the thumbstick or the Dpad directions. Other than that it's fairly solid, basic, and doable in regards to the genre, and the expectations one would have going in. I suppose it might actually be a little too genuine of an homage in that regard, and not as clean cut as a modern Metroidvania. A fault that you may or may not be able to overlook given your taste of the classics in comparison to today's releases.

The Verdict ...

I was actually surprised to see Ratalaika Games' publisher name credited in the opening intro. I say this because this game is a pedigree above what Ratalaika usually releases. This game is on par with games like Turrican, and the previously mentioned Ninja Gaiden or Contra series. Sure it's got it's floaty feeling, and mechanical quirks, but for what it is it really lives up to the genre it is paying tribute to. If you love those old, brutally challenging classic action platformers "Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider" will be one to look out for this week. It does what it does well enough! 

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!