Wednesday, March 1, 2023

BROK the InvestiGator | PS4

This game marks the first time I think I've ever seen a point and click hybrid of this nature. COWCAT Games does good in giving to us, through this blending of oddly paired genres, a crime solving action brawler with a crocodilian cyber sleuth as it's lead protagonist. Brok the Croc, in his dystopian future world, leads the gamer through chapter after chapter of interactive environments, and character inclusive conversations from the animal kingdom he is a part of. 

Haunted by a hellish nightmare of a lost wife, Brok does his best to make ends meet for him and his son. This entails taking on detective jobs for the Slumers and Drumers. A hierarchy of poor and elite governed by questionable authorities, and a government surveillance state. Rife with true to life goings on like religion, as well as moral and ethical dilemma Brok finds himself entrenched in others' affairs. Helping paid, and non-paid clients solve their issues. This is accomplished with everything seamlessly interconnected through easy map travel, on scene exploration, and puzzle solving. That, and quickly applied combat transition for battles that occur. All unfolding a case at a time and effecting Brok as well as those he holds dear as he fights the good fight.

Brok the InvestiGator, Cow Cat Games' latest release, is one part 'Point & Click" and another part 3D brawler. Fully voiced, and animated like a Don Bluth animated film. Also divided by chapter, and locales that act as individual investigation biomes complete with their own laundry lists of main and optional objectives. This and fighting segments in which Brok can perform combos, evade attacks, and use special attacks to defeat both enemies and bots. Complete with a life bar, and move list. All for the in-game currency which comes into play at various points, and for various reasons. Effectively both sides of gameplay are integrated in such a way as to be seamless by design. No need to always access menus to perform investigative or combative actions. In fact Brok acts more like the pointer in this story than a pointer would in a more traditional 'Point & Click' adventure. 

In the way of sleuthing, Brok operates with an all inclusive smartphone device which gathers clues from phone calls and messages. The kind of details not disclosed in the character investigation conversations. It is here he can also access, and use items he finds at the various scenes. Things like weapons, tools, and mission based items. Even collect-a-thon items called Ads which can, in turn, be spent on hints are there once collected if you find yourself stuck with the puzzles. On the side this app rich communication gadget acts as a save menu, character stats menu, and a way to unlock the game's more artistic gallery features for a price.

The Gameplay Loop ...

Each scene, which can be made of multiple linked areas, usually contain a character and items that you must observe, collect, and interact with to forward that part of the investigation. Key characters will clue you into their problem, and share information that might be crucial for solving the case. As will follow-up characters. These conversational, and interactive events include a pop-up menu of buttons with images that must be clicked on to further inquire about the predicament, and close the case once all requirements are met. 

You can even give characters items that they, themselves are looking for or can help you with. Sometimes doubling down on the inquiry button presses in these investigative sequences is a must as the conversations can evolve with each press of the same button. Once you've completed all that can be done in a given scene you can exit, and enter a map where different named and marked locations are made available. Letting you rinse and repeat the process until all main, and optional objectives are completed. 

In the way of action, and combat Brok is a brute force kind of guy. He dishes out damage to enemies and objects with his fists and weapons. Activating combat mode is as simple as pressing "TRIANGLE", and accessing weapons as simple as pressing "L1". Pressing certain face buttons including "SQUARE" and "CIRCLE" in mixed strings will change up the combo attacks. You can even do special attacks linked to a combined pressing of certain face buttons and shoulder buttons. 

The end goal of each fight being to defeat all onscreen opponents for currency. In these brawls you must also mind your health. This can be replenished by sleeping at certain locations or by eating food items that you find. Also worth noting is the fact that fights level up Brok, and allow him to choose from one of three upgrades including health. Adding to his survivability, and ability within the combat scenarios.

The Verdict ...

Brok the InvestiGator was a passion project a long time coming. It was developed by an indie studio that has been around longer than most. Given the bonus edition, and merch treatment on top of multiple platform releases. The developer really went the extra mile with the animation, art, and voice-acting. Even the gameplay elements tied to investigations and combat were applied with a level of caring not seen in most Triple-A releases. In fact the innovation, and creativity here is so profound, and impressive it gives Triple A developers a run for their money. All in all this is a very good addition to the 'Point & Click' genre, and is equally as impressive on the brawler front. Don't skip this one!!!

Visit my YouTube channel for some gameplay:

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