Monday, May 27, 2024


Captain Commander Video is back for more in "BIT.TRIP RERUNNER" for the PlayStation 5! The ultimate in rhythm based auto-runners returns with near infinite replay value. Complete with the usual core mode of play centered around collect-a-thon goals, and two new additions to that experience including a Runner Maker and Music Maker app that allows the player to enjoy and share custom made BIT.TRIP stages. This latest entry in the BIT.TRIP franchise truly amps up the challenge to a whole new level, and in more ways than one!!!

As Commander Video you enter alien worlds filled with the finest synth tunes, and a rhythm based auto-running gameplay gimmick so intense it will no doubt to wear out a PlayStation controller in a short span of time. Through the main mode of play you'll experience the BIT.TRIP grind in a familiar, but new way. Adding three obstacle density focused difficulty settings (Low, Medium, High), and several new gameplay mechanics this campaign is as it's pretty much always been, mechanics aside. Not only will you be collecting gold bars, and red crosses, but you'll also be minding and dodging hazards that must be dealt with in different ways.

Mechanics-wise the jumping, gliding descent, and slide return as staple moves for the Captain. Along with this is a new deflection shield, a darkened transformation that absorbs black cubes, a boogie move for bonus points during the run, and a destructive kick move as well as the ability to interact with traversal mechanisms like jump pads. 

It is with these mechanics that you'll aim to collect all the gold bars, and all the red crosses on a per stage basis for perfection sake as you avoid contact with all the wrong things. This of course rewards you with keys for unlocking extras in the EXTRAS menu that showcase the franchise's fanbase contributions, and long lived history. That and Boomboxes for access to even more stages.

As per usual there are multiple stages per a given zone, and each stage gets progressively more difficult as you go along. In total there are three zones with 11 stages each. Ultimately ending with a final stage boss battle that incorporates all of the usual hazards, and the use of their counter mechanics in a similar fashion to the standard stages. With each phase of the boss fight being a hit to the actual boss's limited health once you apply the kick, or deflect a projectile towards it.

Completing, and perfecting stages by collecting all red crosses and gold bars, as previously mentioned, will net you a boombox or a key respectively. The Boombox unlocks bonuses stages of the the three main zones plus a retro remake for some of them as well as extended play versions of BIT.TRIP 2 and BIT.TRIP 3. Thus expanding upon core content which in turn leads to unlocked customization options in the Community Zone tab where your Maker rank, title, and badges of honor can all be displayed for the world to see. The top players being spotlighted above all else.

In the way of gameplay touching any steps, hazards, creatures or pitfalls will reset your position to the last checkmarked location in a standard stage run, and will also restart your place in the boss battles, but not result in a GAME OVER. Making it imperative to collect everything before each checkmark the first go around including the red crosses in the boss fights. Thankfully the game eases you into all of this with hands on tutorials getting you slowly used to applying each new mechanic.

Traditional BIT.TRIP experience aside, you'll find that there's a lot more endgame content than just leaderboard placement this time around. With BIT.TRIP RERUNNER you get fully realized, and easy to use/navigate custom creation apps that will add to the overall replay value. This includes the Runner Maker with actual stage creation tools, and a built in Music Maker to tie it all together with tunes geared towards matching the rhythm of the stage design. It too comes with a hands on tutorial to get you acquainted to the features.

Players who try out the Runner Maker can opt to download/play player made stages, and rate them, accordingly. Letting other players know what's hot and what's not. Not only can you fully create your own BIT.TRIP stage challenge as a player, but you can also name it. Something that will be shown next to it's player scoring, and stage time limit. Participating nets you ranks as well as player ID unlocks that will showcase just how committed you are to the game.

Playing, and committing to playing the custom levels not only allows for that experience, but also rewards the player with player titles, and other Identifying trophies/badges that can be displayed on the community zone where top players are recognized. You'll earn capes through the main mode of play, and things like backgrounds, mood, flavors, and familiars emojis/badges for completing objectives like playing the custom created stages and beating them. It's an incentive to commit to the extra content, and another way to show off your gameplay prowess.

The Presentation ...

As per usual BIT.TRIP RERUNNER mixes visuals up with 2D, and 3D elements. For the most part stages are a parallax animated 3D environment whereas the playable character is 2D in nature. The soundtrack on the other hand takes the original tracks from all previous entries, adds remixes, and some new tunes. 

The Verdict ...

BIT.TRIP RERUNNER is the ultimate entry in the BIT.TRIP franchise. It adds a tremendous amount of replay value to it through the new Runner Maker, and Music Maker. Not only that but you get the decent sized campaign, and some unlockables to work towards. It is the type of game designed for leaderboards, and player bragging rights. With the new boogie mechanic there no longer is a static score that can be achieved in a given run. This alone changes the nature of leaderboard scoring. If you like BIT.TRIP, and are looking for something new from the franchise this is a solid choice. It is more bang for your buck!

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