Friday, June 21, 2024

OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno Reader Appreciation Address | A Thank You!!!

It's been quite a while since I've seen a universal uptick in metrics across my many social media accounts. My YouTube has gained followers, and maintained them. My X account has gained followers, and my review metrics are going up, up, and away!!! I don't say this lightly, but I couldn't have done it without support from the community. That and gaming devs/PR like StudioGIW who had an impact on my reach. 

As I type this I am currently getting views, globally. I get regular visitors from the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia. While this has been the norm since way back when, the rise in views from across the pond has increased, substantially. Though it may not appear like that's the case on certain search engines or YouTube's inconsistent variations of view counts across their site my actual analytics tell otherwise. I am very grateful for this, because finally it feels like I'm being appreciated. That all those years invested have seen my reviews reaching the audience they were intended for.

When it comes to social media those who follow me know I'm not beyond telling the truth when it needs to be told, even when shadowbanning is threatened. I don't run away from debates even though I get called some of the most slanderous things known to man. I tell the truth, because I believe it is vastly more important in the grand scheme of things than riding some popularity wave for clout. 

As long as I can save one soul from the fallout of buying into lies I feel it's all worth it. I think my audience deserves the truth, and I want to keep them informed of that truth in a world that has become so lost that it easy for someone to follow someone else off of a cliff. For those of you who have stuck around regardless of what hard truths I share, I thank you. You are the reason I keep going. 

Not to downplay my gamer crowd which is here for the reviews as well, as you matter just as much, but it's those who have stuck with me through thick and thin that have given me the confidence I need to continue. Through adversity we either grow stronger, or we give up and fail. I personally feel I've grown stronger through life's adversity, and have weathered quite the storm over the years. Coming close to quitting, but never doing so despite being given every reason to. This is in part due to your kindness, and understanding.

The Future ...

As we move forward, and the uncertainty of the industry effects us all you can rest assured I am committed to the grind until gaming becomes nothing more than a propaganda piece for politicians and activists. I will do my best to bring you reviews regularly, and share with you the gameplay needed to help you make an educated decision about a potential purchase. That is what I offer everyone who dares follow me on this journey. I offer you truth in spades, as brutal as they may sometimes be, and honest reviews in easily digestible reads. If that's something you need please tag along, and tell your friends. 

In closing, I hope that all of you stay with me as we go forward facing whatever life throws at us, and God knows we've got Hell coming. Hang out with me on social media, drop a line, and DM me if you ever have a question or request. I may not have all the answers, but I am willing to at the very least, listen. It's the least I can do for a community that has kept me focused and productive for these 13 years, and counting. Thank you again for your friendship through hardship, your readership, and your viewership! It truly does mean a lot to me. Thanks!!!

- Brad C. (OtakuDante) 

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!