Monday, June 3, 2024

Uvalde vs Activision | Dante Weighs In

By now you've likely heard of the lawsuit against Activision by the Uvalde parents whose children were victims of the mass shooting. Their claim is that since Call of Duty had certain guns in it that, that was the cause for the shootings. Anyone with a logically thinking brain knows this is a scapegoat. It let's the blame fall on everything and everyone else except for those to blame. 

The true culprits behind these mass shootings are often times the trans community, the enabling parents, and more often than not the government who has pumped fear porn propaganda into the trans community's minds to the point that they think their lives are literally in danger. Even in addressing the shooting White House staff continued their victimhood campaign for the shooter. This alone should tell you all you need to know. 

The truth is simply this. The shooter's parents allowed their child to gain access to the weapon/s. They did not supervise their child properly and notice they were heading to Uvalde armed to the teeth. Not only did the parents fail, but the police told to stand down while the shooting continued are also to blame. Further implementing the government's hand in it beyond the fact that the government, itself, created this situation through their victimhood campaign. 

The government has created, in a matter of a few years, weaponized victims that are allowed to get away with criminal activity. Murderers, rapists, and thieves are let free to do as they do regardless of conviction. Through victimhood immunity and the constant fearmongering associated with it the government has effectively created their very own agenda army to validate their taking away of constitutional rights. 

Through the LGBTQ+ agenda free speech was challenged. Through BLM the right to defend one's self was challenged. In all of this both the LGBTQ+ and BLM activists have been fully weaponized and protected despite them showing violent tendencies, and hatred towards certain groups. Again, it's the government who paints the groups outside of the LGBTQ+ and BLM influence as terrorists and everything pertaining to public enemy status instead of the actual terrorist organizations and activist groups. Despite these two marginalized groups being the number one source of criminal and violent acts. 

Where then should the blame go? The blame wholly lies on the government. None of this would happen if the government actually did their jobs, and protected the people they were paid to protect. Ask yourself this? Why did all these trans led shootings happen without the FBI or CIA having a clue about it? Why does the government always come to the scene to late, or tell officers to stand down? How did the shooters get their guns without red flags popping off? Why did their parents not notice what their children intended to do? 

You ask all this and the blame comes raining down on the government and their agendas. They use the LGBTQ+ community, and BLM to take away rights. That's their endgame. Through propagandized fearmongering, and nurtured racism/sexism the government creates puppets for their cause. Thus if you want to actually stop this from happening again then hold the government accountable. Stop scapegoating video games. 

Truth be told Activision's defending lawyer could more than likely look into the shooter's movie viewing history, or book reading history and find similar instances of guns. Even the kid's internet browsing could be called into question. The point being guns are everywhere even in the US army. Kids know about guns from more than one source. To single out Activision, Call of Duty, or Video Games is 100% BS. Also where in Call of Duty has there been a trans led school shooting? Nowhere. I rest my case.

Regardless of opinions to the contrary my point is validated by the government. It is validated by the weaponized victim classes, and by agendas thereof. They want to take away your rights, and they'll do it even if it cost your own children their lives at the hands of victimized individuals they conditioned to kill. Put the blame where it belongs, and stop with this pointless scapegoating.

black rifle with gear and mags
Photo by Specna Arms

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