Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Creepy Tale: Some Other Place | PS5 Review

The Creepy Brothers are at it again with another interactive point-and-click adventure with a moral. Filled with what appears to be Slavic folklore centered around a key character of interest, and his family we find things aren't quite as they seem in their neck of the woods. 

After a breakfast of the usual mushroom soup Martin, and his brothers talk about going out to forage and fish. Martin being less inclined to partake of the risk and rewards of mushroom foraging instead sets out to indulge himself in a nice calm fishing session. All in hopes for some of his mum's fish stew later on. 

As he fishes the lake though a little mischievous creature happens upon him and his catch leading him on a fetch quest into an different part of the forest he's never seen before. Filled with malevolent monsters, devilish dwarves, and helpful hobgoblins this detour into another reality has Martin finding out the benefits of adventure.

As Martin, the less than adventurous sibling of four, you are caught up in an adventure regardless of your hesitancy to do so. In pursuing the little hobgoblin into a tree trunk entrance you find yourself in a world filled with a variety of different mythological creatures. Some of these creatures mean you no harm, but others are of the man eating sort, and wouldn't mind a nice juicy Martin meat pie. 

Using your abilities to move around, climb, and interact with the environmental set pieces as well as NPCs you'll be tasked with solving perplexing puzzles of different sorts. Some requiring the collection of items needed to help the puzzle along, and others tied to objectives centered around the odd residents who inhabit this otherworldly woodland realm. This also involves meddling with some magic spells, and dabbling in some mini-games as well as some quick time events.

As with previous Creepy Tale adventures, this one also has a similarly fashioned dark foreboding atmosphere filled with the the sounds of nature, and some creepy instrumentals that play out as the well voiced cast do their thing. The game, itself, is a hand drawn work of animated art wherein paper puppet-like characters come to life in brilliant detail. Their voices of a British or European descent fitting of the folklore infused frightful fairytale that unfolds puzzle after puzzle, and interaction after interaction.

The Verdict ...

If you've played the previous Creepy Tale entries in the series you'll know what to expect. The developer has their own little take on the Grimm Brother's fairytales, and they often times feature the same Slavic style creatures, demons, or witches that would be at home in such a world. The protagonists in these adventures all find themselves unwittingly wisped away into a dark scary world of sinister scares, and puzzles aplenty. 

While staying true to formula the recent game does offer a brand new story, and new puzzles that will definitely test a player's puzzle solving skills. With each puzzle solved the story and it's mystery advances. Eventually seeing the return home, and a lesson learned. 

With excellent voice acting, and a nice artistic display to gaze at as you commit to the gameplay at hand, you'll find that "Creepy Tale: Some Other Place" is a proper indie delight fit for the coming Halloween season. A good game to feature on stream or to share with friends over this haunting holiday. I personally love the series, and this game is no exception to that. I definitely recommend picking it up when it releases!!!

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