Monday, September 23, 2024

Gori: Cuddly Carnage | PS5 Review

Cats, comic books, comedy relief companions, and color bleeding creatures of fantasy make-up this futuristic action adventure about a missing professor, and an army of misfit toys out to rid themselves of humanity. Featuring Gori the cat, his sentient hoverboard pal named Frank, and his AI ship companion named Ch1-p we find a whole host of curious characters with their own role to play in the unusual unfolding plot. 

Gori and Frank, in particular, are travel buddies as Frank acts as Gori's mode of transportation throughout their adventure as well as the only combat option. Utilizing Frank to ride rails, and maneuver around areas while dishing out death via adaptive combos, and attacks enables Gori to fight off the Adorable Army, and their lead Teddy Bear in a Box general as they seek to find their beloved Professor. 

Through episodic comic book panels, and lengthy stage based objectives Gori, and his two quirky companions embark on a mission to not only fight off the adorable Army, but to locate their lost professor. This takes them all across the universe to places like the post-human Earth in which misfit toys rule the roost. 

As Gori, and Frank go about their business finding keys, collecting currency, and facing off against waves of lesser toys as well as larger than life bosses they'll also seek to rescue the occasional unicorn that has yet to be infected. It is these missions beholden to 'Devil May Cry' combos, 'God of War' combat mechanics, and stylish hoverboard traversal that will see Gori capitalizing on the currency needed to upgrade his move set while acquiring new cosmetics for him, and Frank. That, and the items needed to progress the story.

Taking even more gaming inspiration, this time from 'Borderlands', "Gori: Cuddly Carnages" also includes the occasional comedic character intros with title screens, character psycho-babble, and conversations that carry you forward section by section through interconnected locations that house various objectives. 

You'll find in the mix wave clearing goals, defensive goals, mid-boss and boss battles, as well as racing sequences in which you'll have to outpace some threat. As Gori you are limited by health in this undertaking, but can slice open vending machines for energy drinks or "Gori Kill" enemies with a finisher to gain both currency and life restoring energy drinks. This is achieved by first weakening the enemy then delivering the deathblow via prompted button pressing. 

Maintaining health isn't the only thing to mind in this regard though as Frank also depends on his own separate fuel meter that must be kept topped off in order to make use of stronger attacks that are crucial to downing or defeating certain enemy types. This can be gained through sliced vehicles, and by riding on rails. Mastering adaptive combos, the tricky maneuvers, and the learned attacks will be the means with which you stave off an untimely demise.

The Presentation ...

Visually "Gori: Cuddly Carnage" is a bit dated, but what it lacks in new-gen polish it more than makes up for in character design, atmosphere, and voiced talent. It is an experience that isn't too serious, but is more so playful. It lets you live out a power fantasy through the duo that is Gori and Frank adding a mature overtone to combat, and conversation as it does so. All in a 'Guardians of the Galaxy' kind of way. This is not a kid's game by any means though, and does feature plenty of swearing and bloodletting. It is brutal in the way of finishers, and creature design. Something to take into consideration if you have kids who want to play it.

The Verdict ...

Gori: Cuddly Carnage is a fun indie that nails the mechanics side of the equation delivering to us combat that is very close to that of "Devil May Cry", and "God of War". Rewarding you, in kind, for your combo capabilities and your smooth sailing through the various rail laced locales with other traversal features put into place to spice things up. The added upgrade system, and cosmetics were also cool, but not as necessary as the game's story delivered more than enough quality to make up for the need of grinding. If you are late to this release as I am then know that it is a solid game for the current $22 price tag. The fact that you can get a PS5 enhanced version for that price alongside the PS4 version with HD graphics settings is icing on the cake!!!

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