Saturday, October 12, 2024

Last Time I Saw You | PS5 Review

Set in Japan this supernatural coming of age story features a young boy named Ayumi whose dreams are being haunted by a mystery girl. It is this mystery girl, and a series of unusual events that act as a catalyst for the otherworldly adventure. 

Ayumi, the game's protagonist, finds himself not only facing a typhoon at the start of the game, but also the recent loss of his grandfather, and the many trials of childhood including that of friendships and school related stress. That and some haunting dreams featuring a pale skinned black haired girl. It is through dream sequences, and real life interactions that Ayumi comes to terms with the haunting nature of his paranormal predicament, and how they relate to his life all while his adventure unfolds one act at a time. It is this act by act cinematic platforming playthrough that sees Ayumi mature, and ultimately become the man he's meant to be.

Like a Studio Ghibli anime masterpiece, "Last Time I Saw You" brings with it mesmerizing animations, interesting characters, and a story that's beyond the realm of imagination. It is, at it's core, a ghost story with a true to life lesson for the protagonist. Ayumi, through this childhood haunting, grows as an individual, and in doing so it makes him a better friend, family member, and part of the community. 

Using interactions, mild combat with a bat, and items gathered Aymui progresses the plot by engaging with various characters via side quests. Ultimately building upon the advancing story while further fleshing out relationships, and simultaneously unraveling the mystery at hand. Both Ayumi, and his ghost girl being the focal points of this mystery. Leaving his friends, community, and parents to be the acquaintances with which daily interactions lead to profound epiphanies.

The gameplay itself is episodic in an act by act kind of way starting off with a prologue chapter to get you acquainted with Ayumi, and his situation. You'll find in this interesting introduction that segmented sections of story often times switch between the world of the paranormal, of dreams, and of Ayumi's real life. Each leading Aymui to a side quest with a set objective, and the conversational outcomes that coincide with the character building and storytelling, therein. 

With each dream, and each haunting experience Ayumi draws closer to finding out what the ghost girl wants, and who she is. This seeking of answers is joined in by Ayumi's small group of friends including his childhood friend Nao. The story, itself, starts off as a slow burner, but ramps up as the haunting manifestations, and their impact on Ayumi's daily life continue to cross paths. Transitioning gameplay from a more point-and-click approach to a more action platformer ordeal wherein combat is the only way to fend off wayward spirits.

As you make your way to the end act by act you will find save points, and and side quests to break up the long winded conversations had by key characters. By interacting with environmental set pieces, and persons of interests via various icon prompts you will also get to know the cast while buying, collecting, and using items that you've acquired along the way. Items, journal entries, and character backgrounds are all kept for your viewing within the touchpad menu for reference sake. 

As linear as the story might feel at first there are multiple solution side quests that are happened upon along the way which could change the ending of the story. These side quests are usually based on morals, and will play into Ayumi's dream experiences and haunting. 

The Presentation ...

Like a water color anime cartoon, "Last Time I Saw You" comes to life in breathtakingly beautiful environments, and haunting scenes. It's color palette, and darkened scenarios are very moody and atmospheric by design. Giving ambiance to the experience. Even the soundtrack has a haunting quality about it fitting of such a supernatural tale. Compared to most anime productions though this is a little more stylized, and less cookie cutter than most modern day anime releases. Making it visually stand out in the way of comparison.

The Verdict ...

Last Time I Saw You, is a masterclass work of storytelling, and interactive adventuring. It features a Japanese setting, a compelling ghost story, and a curious cast of characters that most school age kids will be able to relate to. It definitely has that "Goonies" or "Stand By Me" vibe about it. A world where the kids are drawn into a mystery that is beyond their imagination. A coming of age story for all those who dare to delve deep into it. All with a hint of budding love. For all that it is, "The Last Time I Saw You" earns a highly respected recommendation from yours truly! It's one of those games that once you start you don't want to put it down. It is that good!

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