Tuesday, March 11, 2025

3D Don't Die Mr. Robot (PS5) | REVIEW | The Explosive Fruit Experience Returns In 3D!!!

Carrying it's very gameplay gimmicks within it's title this 3D version of "Don't Die Mr. Robot" brings with it arcade challenges galore!!! Through four modes of play, and varying boards of spawning enemies Mr. Robot must not only survive, but also use exploding fruits to his advantage as he does so. While each mode of play takes on it's own set of rules one underlying rule persists throughout, regardless. That rule being that getting hit will result in instant death or a penalty, and that fruits when chained together to kill multiple enemies equals a higher score. This is of course a mostly score based affair with leaderboards to boot, as all of the above would imply.

In "3D Don't Die Mr. Robot" you play as the titular Mr. Robot. A block shaped little dude with feet, and larger than life eyes. A robotic cube that can sport the latest fashions bought from the Appearance menu slot machine, paid for with coins earned in-game. 

When it comes to modes of play the game comes complete with a Remix, Arcade, Lime Attack, and Chill Out mode. Remix, in it's own standout way, is a series of trophy based challenges that change up board shape and size as well as objectives. It has you collecting fruits and coins while killing off waves of enemies on a per stage basis with each stage being titled accordingly. By surviving long enough to meet the trophy goals you will earn trophies starting at bronze, and ending at platinum. This requires playthrough perfection as dying prematurely will result in you only securing the current standing trophy. There are 180 challenges in total that get increasingly harder the further you progress.

Arcade, the main mode of play in this ongoing series, returns in it's former glory as a singular rectangular playing field pulsing to the beat as enemies spawn in alongside fruits. As you kill enemies with the explosion of fruits, be it chained or singular, you will earn points per coins collected that are tallied up on your leaderboard score. Getting hit once though spells GAME OVER! Leaving you only with the score you ended with until you try again.

Playing on words "Lime Attack", an alternative way to play, acts as the game's time attack mode. It plays out a lot like Arcade but has a ticking time limit of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Getting hit in this mode won't end your run, but the more you get hit the more that time is deducted from the game's countdown timer. Your end goal is to kill as many enemies as you can in combo fashion by collecting the limes near them.

Lastly, "Chill Out" is a casual mode that's a little slower paced, and a lot less foreboding than the other modes' offerings. It plays like Arcade but takes place on a grassy island playing field wherein enemies slowly creep across the board, and around it. The same rules apply in that staying alive for as long as you can, and using the fruity explosions to your advantage in order to capitalize on the coin count will net you a higher place on the game's local leaderboard.

The Presentation ...

This 3D version of Don't Die Mr. Robot is an arcade-like experience heightened by a thumping synth/techno soundtrack, and cell shaded visuals. Each stage's playing field features rhythm based effects, and letter based lighting that is accented by the voice of a female announcer. It looks as if it would all be at home in the 1980's. It's got that Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper kind of visual styling. Kudos to those of you who are old enough to know what I'm talking about.

The Verdict ...

3D Don't Die Mr. Robot, is a challenging, and addictive arcade inspired gaming experience that most of us who grew up in the 80's will enjoy. It brings with it score based gameplay, leaderboards, and a few different ways to experience the core mechanics. Since it is an EastAsiaSoft release it also benefits from an affordable price tag that won't break the bank. It's one of those more bang for your buck kind of deals, and definitely a better option than those old arcade quarter munchers.

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