Monday, July 11, 2011

Bellum Gothicum Orchestra

I know my site says 'Gaming', but I thought I'd stray off the beaten path a bit and introduce a goth band to you who took the time to friend me on youtube. Being the music fan that I am I immediately fell in love with the band's haunting style of vocals, and instrumental presentation. I can definitely see them going very far in the music scene. According to their studio video their main focus is the telling of a goth fairytale through their music. They will allow fans to visit their site where they keep news of their music, and videos. I visited the site this morning, and it is offered in English which I'm grateful for. I will leave you with a video of their behind the scenes studio introduction, as well as their recent music video "Angeles Del Amor". I hope you enjoy the sneak peek into some of the music that I love ...

Fan Site: Bellum Gothicum Orchestra

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!