Quotes 2 Note

"Imagine, if you will, a world where children no longer make friends. A world where there's no longer the desire for boyfriend or girlfriend relationships, nor the desire for marriage and family. No desire to connect on an emotional level, or to get to know someone on deeper, more meaningful terms. 

Resulting in a population reduced to beasts of burden. Cattle for breeding newer generations of obedient bovine. Cattle to be used as a work force against it's own will. Cattle to be slaughtered as a sacrifice to the powers that be. 

All in a world where life activities are mandated, and routine. Nothing exciting, or inspirational to bare witness to. Everyone programmed, and conditioned to no longer seek excellence, or promote individual merit. Social laborers, and civil servants to the bitter end. 

That, my friends, is the future we are facing. That our children are facing. A cruel world of masters, and slaves. Perpetuated generation after generation through fear."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

"Countries and their people are like a snake. The head and the most problematic part is the leader or leaders ruling over the people. The tail is the citizens being dragged along, and controlled by those leaders against their will. It is crucial to remember that it is the head of the snake that deals in death and destruction, and that the tail is not always a contribution to that carnage."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

"Don't take righteous advice from someone who has filed moral bankruptcy."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

"When truth goes so goes hope."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

"Digital only media is bad. It monopolizes visual and audio content to a point that it can be changed or erased entirely to keep people from accessing the original source material. Potentially rewriting crucial historical context."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

"Do you know why people get upset when you challenge the modern diversity & inclusivity agenda? It's, because they know what you know counters their underlying socialist goals. You see, diversity and inclusivity, in their eyes, is a way to put everyone on the same level of worth. That worth not being of much value in that it kills the outstanding nature of the individual. The ability for a single person to succeed where others have failed.

It kills creativity, and doesn't allow an individual to be acknowledged for whatever unique thing it is that they can bring to the world. If you haven't noticed people of color, which the socialists champion for, are being denied a proper education, and are being made to be dependent upon the government. Unable to provide for themselves or their families without government assistance. That is why they fight anyone who dares counter their push for diversity and inclusivity, but more so their underlying socialist agenda that sees such things as a Trojan Horse opportunity."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)