Tuesday, July 5, 2011


When I first saw this title I wasn't sure what to expect. It was categorized as an 'Other' in the XBLIG genre selection. The cover of the game featured four neon sihlouettes of well endowed female figures. The description to the game was very short, and didn't offer much info about the game. Being the curious gamer that I am I decided to give this enticing XBLIG title a shot. Maybe I could pick up some tips on how to charm the ladies, or not ...

After starting up the trial I was taken to a title screen that had music that sounded like it came from an adult flick, the retro kind (not that I watch that stuff ...). The game starts off by offering you a question about approaching a girl in the right way, and features a moaning sexy neon silhouette of a female that places emphasis on the rather adult theme the game presents. A few other questions involve things like what pick up line would you use, which side of a girl would you approach to ask her for a dance, and what type of girl would you pick for a one night stand. The questions are very adult in theme, so I'd definitely keep this game away from the kiddies. The moaning silhouettes also enhance the adult feel that this game features. I guess if you are desperate for learning a few tricks for picking up the girls then this title might be for you. Black Hat Games the developer behind this naughty title definitely have the pick up tricks down to a science. I honestly don't like the question about which type of girl you'd pick up for a one night stand. I'm sure female gamers will find this game rather offensive, and I'd have to agree. I'm definitely not going to buy this title even if it is only 80 msp. Treating girls with respect is the best way to get their attention in my opinion.

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