Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Freddy Krueger: "MK9's Worst Nightmare"

Just when I thought the online gameplay in Mortal Kombat (MK9) couldn't get any worse, the developers of the game added 'Freddy Krueger' into the fray. Normally most players would welcome this hellish denizen of dreams to the roster of blood thirsty MK9 kombatants, but in this case NetherRealm Studios really screwed things up. Freddy invades the game with super cheesy spamming combos that can be executed at long range, and close range. It may just be my imagination, but he also seems to be a lot quicker than the rest of the MK9 characters?

This morning I took the opportunity to try out Freddy Krueger's moves online. Immediately I found the players that used him were already spamming his claw projectiles which really upset me. I had played through the regular 'Fight' mode before going online, and I could tell by all of his moves that Freddy K. was going to be the king of cheap. After winning one or two Freddy mirror matches, and losing a couple to some spamming players I had had my fill. In the matches that followed I used my main man 'Kabal' to dish out some much deserved justice to those cheap Freddy players. It definitely made for some cool versus scenarios being that Freddy, and Kabal were both burnt to a crisp.

Sadly after ending my reign of terror with Kabal this morning, I couldn't help but feel that NetherRealm Studios had let me down big time. It wasn't enough that their roster of characters already included mostly spamming/cheap characters, but they had to go and release MK9's worst nightmare. Freddy Krueger could definitely turn many loyal Mortal Kombat players away from the game. In fact I can honestly see the online becoming dominated by this devilish disaster. I'm beginning to think I might have invested my gaming money more wisely had I have known the route MK9 was going to take.

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