Saturday, August 27, 2011

T.E.C. 3001 (XBLIG): "Virtual Reality Presented In A Most Excellent Way"

I realize that I have bragged on almost every game I have reviewed (and those titles definitely deserve the praise), but 'T.E.C. 3001 really takes the cake. This virtual reality based parkour style game seriously delivers on many levels. The visual presentation is both crisp, and features XBLA worthy graphics/gameplay. In fact it truly puzzles me as to why this game didn't make it into the XBLA game library? Whatever the case may be I bet future buyers of this game will likely be happy with it's place in the XBLIG kingdom. It definitely means you're getting more bang for your buck (or microsoft points in this case).

T.E.C. 3001 is all about a robot that is sent into cyber space to collect energy for the human race. It happens to be humanity's last hope. Your job (as the gamer) is to guide this constantly running robot through set tracks that contain obstacles, and the batteries (energy) humanity is seeking out. Each level in the game features a different set of tracks with a set amount of batteries that you must collect in order to finish. When you finally gather the proper amount of batteries, and make it across the finish line you will be ranked by your speed. The ranks are given titles such as '58kbps (Slow)', or 'Iron Giant (Super Fast)'. There are many ranks in-between, but I'm sure you understand what I speak of (right?).

Within each track, and also the start menu you will find options/gates that will change the tone (color scheme) of the virtual world in which you run. Each 'theme' in the game sports a different name/title. One such theme is called 'The Matrix' due to it's bright green appearance. The rest of the theme's titles follow the same name to color pattern as that one does. Running through a certain gate on the tracks will change the theme to add variety to gameplay. Aside from the visual adjustments (themes), you also have volume controls, and camera adjustments. The camera adjustments are for when you are in the game. You can set it to either 'Near', or 'Far'. The menu where you access all of these features is very simple to navigate, and very user friendly. The start menu even features the robot star of the game in beautifully rendered 3D (not true 3D) style graphics.

Gameplay in 'T.E.C. 3001' is simple. The only thing really complicated about it is the speed in which the robot runs, and the tracks themselves. Even the controls are kept simple. One button is designated for jumping (A). Another is used for sliding parkour style (B), and yet another is used for charging (R. Trigger). The controls can be combined in various ways to overcome obstacles, and clear gaps that are located throughout each track. You could double tap the 'A' button to perform a double jump. Sometimes you must also combine jumping, and charging (dashing) in order to clear long gaps in the tracks. The game does good not to just rush you in without letting you learn the controls. It actually eases you into learning the controls with the first few levels. After that the only things you'll need to be concerned with is learning the tracks layout, and collecting the right amount of batteries.

When I got finished with my playthrough of the game I found myself wanting more. Phoenix Game Studios (The Developer) did an excellent job with this amazing XBLIG title. Everything from the visual presentation down to the soundtrack was all high quality. I really enjoyed the techno style music in the game. It really accented the gameplay in just the right way. I could seriously keep on bragging about how great this game is, but the fact of the matter is that 'T.E.C. 3001' is the best XBLIG title I have played so far this year. It's worth every microsoft point the developer is asking for, and then some!

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