Thursday, December 22, 2011

Game Type (XBLIG): "The Xbox 360 Dashboard Through The Eyes Of An Indie Developer"

If you are an active part of the Xbox 360 indie game community as I am, then you'll have a good idea what the new dashboard has done for the XBLIG genre. By now all Xbox 360 gamers have updated their consoles with the newest version of Xbox's dashboard. You have probably found yourself lost among the menus in search for new content, and games as well. You are definitely not alone in this matter. It seems Microsoft has decided to go the unfriendly route, and make a mess of things for indie developers. At first I found myself hopelessly lost among the game marketplace sections wondering how much it was going to complicate my search for games to review.

As an XBLIG, and XBLA game reviewer I depend heavily on being able to access the latest games in the Xbox marketplace. I use the information, and game descriptions to contact the developers I seek out. With the menus overly complicated I've found that it does hinder my routine process of finding games to review/buy a good bit. For XBLIG developers it's a lot more complicated than that though. The updated dashboard secludes, and hides the indie games in a very unnecessary manner driving away a lot of possible sales. Locating past XBLIG titles can be a chore, and cycling through all the titles just to locate one is bothersome. MommysBestGames (the developer) has made a game that voices their opinion on the matter by creating their latest shmup, 'Game Type'.

Game Type is an XBLIG title that brings to light all that is wrong with Xbox 360's new dashboard. It's a two part game that starts of with a mock dashboard on the fake MediaBall console that is filled with mock advertisements, and ends in a shmup game that goes by the same title as the Xbox 360 game marketplace counterpart. While the mock dashboard's advertisements are a little on the wild side they do get the point across quite well. The real Xbox 360 dashboard has become an overshadowed haven for TV/movie related programs, and apps while the XBLIG marketplace is left grasping for straws (metaphorically speaking of course). MommysBestGames mimicked that issue perfectly with their own dashboard mini game.

The dashboard mini game mirrors a gamer's difficult search for the indie game section that is obscurely hidden on the real Xbox 360 dashboard. When you finally find the game hidden within the mock game marketplace you will be rewarded with a shmup game that takes all the advertisements within 'MommysBestGames' dashboard, and brings them to life. Instead of piloting some sort of spaceship, or plane you take control of the 'Parkour Girl/Hoodie Girl' illustration which is the illustration for the real XBLIG section on the Xbox 360. Your aim/goal is to survive for as long as you can amongst the wacky assortment of advertisement based enemies, and gather as much cash/points as you can. The levels loop over, and over getting increasingly more difficult as you progress. New enemies are added, and game speed is increased with each new loop. As the 'Parkour Girl' you have two types of shots including a regular shot, and a powerful parkour kick blast. The game features offline leaderboards as well as online leaderboards for those who have an Xbox Live Gold Subscription.The game also features a 2 player co-op in which you both take control of a different colored 'Hoodie Girl'.

I realize this game is supposed to be an expression of 'MommysBestGames' opinion on the new dashboard, but I found 'Game Type' to actually be fun to play. I did like how the developer was brave enough to voice their opinion through such creative means. MommysBestGames has an excellent point that many people in the XBLIG community agree with. I have tweeted messages on Twitter concerning the matter as have other developers, and fellow reviewers. The developers definitely got a raw deal with the new dashboard. When I first began reviewing XBLIG titles early this year I thought Microsoft was doing an awesome thing allowing new developers to produce new indie content for the console. In fact I was willing to bet that the XBLIG marketplace was going to become the next best thing in gaming. I began to see all kinds of new indie websites popping up, and even new Youtube channels based on indies. Now it seems as if Microsoft is pushing the XBLIG marketplace to the side. It's a sad fact that needs to be addressed if the XBLIG market is going to maintain it's standing on the Xbox 360. I know you're likely wondering if I think this game is worth the points, and I say "Heck Yes!". It's an amazing shmup with a valid point to it. Maybe if enough gamers will look into it they'll begin to realize how bad the dashboard really is for the indie industry, and voice their own opinions on the subject.

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