Friday, March 9, 2012

Fred's Fridays Ep.2: "Characters Revealed!!!"

"Four Felonious Fredites ..."
Well it seems Fred has run into some rather suspicious looking characters since the last time we saw him. While wandering aimlessly through the white noise that is "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno" he stumbled upon these rather animated persons of interest. The rough looking dude with the unshaven face beat the bejeezus out of poor Fred with a styrofoam wiffle ball bat leaving him dazed, and confused (but physically alright). Shortly after that a muscle bound guy used Fred for his weight lifting routine at the very spot where the unshaven dude had left him. A lovely young lady stood by and watched as the oddly horrific scene unfolded, and comforted Fred as he wobbled about from the traumatizing event. Some poor kid who was watching from a distance weeped, because the unshaven dude had stolen his yo-yo after fleeing from the scene of the incident that Fred had found himself in. Unfortunately all four characters including the innocent lady, and weeping boy were apprehended by the digital department of justice (D.D.J.). They were placed in a police line-up which Fred had to point out the culprits from. As dazed as Fred is it's hard to tell who he will pick from the line-up. One thing is for sure though, next Friday will be very interesting ...

'Dawn of the Fred' is scheduled for a Summer 2012 release, and 'Night of the Fred' is scheduled for an October 2012 release on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace (XBLIG)!!!

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