Thursday, April 25, 2013

Let's Talk: "Fair & Unfair In the World of Gaming"

I'm going to give it to you straight folks. I'm sick, and f*cking tired of gamers who chose to cheapen the online gaming experiences with hacking, cheating, spamming, and lagswitching. It has become a growing epidemic, because of the gaming community, and developer's acceptance of the issue. Recently some friends of mine tried their best to justify the situation as well. It is this mentality that allows the scum of the online Earth to do as they please. You may say "Well Brad, there are ways around it", or "Try different tactics", or even my all time favorite "Your internet connection must suck". Well friends, I'm here to tell you different. While there may be ways around the usual fighting game bullsh*ttery why the f*ck should I have to go out of my way to do so. I think that sort of thinking is ass backwards. Game developers should be applying features to games to counter act the BS. For example the roster of Injustice is filled with the most unbalanced set of characters that I've ever experienced in a fighting game. Most characters are heavy keep away types that make it easy for online losers to have there way with the best of players. Sinestro, and Deathstroke are a prime examples of this. It goes without saying that while some techniques in a fighting games are made available it doesn't necessarily mean it's alright, or justifiable to use them.

What makes the situation with Injustice all the more aggravating is that gamers are using the lag issues in the game along with their bullsh*t antics to beat online opponents. You heard me right. I'm not stuttering, or telling tall tale, and my internet connection most certainly does not suck (contrary to popular belief). The fact is Injustice has lag issues, and if you think otherwise you need to go see a shrink for denial issues. The combination of the cheap tactics used, and the lag issues make the game almost unbearable to play. In fact finding a decent match online in the PS3 is rapidly becoming an impossible task. As I mentioned in my youtube video description players are afraid to play against players with a highly unbalanced win ratio, and they should be. Nine times out of ten when you see some one with wins in the three digits, and losses in the two digits then you'll know that they are pulling some sort of bullsh*t online. Whether it's lagswitching, or character spamming they are most likely cheating. A good way to tell for certain is to look at their current win streak, and their connection status/ping. If the ping is low, or wavering then more than likely they are lagswitching to win. Another thing you should really examine, and take into consideration is the gamer's Gamertag, or PSN ID. If it looks like a trolling name, a hackers name (name followed by numbers/X's), or something an adolescent kid would think up then your best bet would be to avoid them, especially if their win loss ratio is ridiculous.

I guess what I'm trying to say is "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should". I bet that quote will ring a bell. In other words just, because a game developer didn't implement counter measures against certain "cheap" tactics doesn't make it an acceptable practice to use them. Cheap is cheap, and lame is lame. If you don't understand the meaning of cheap/lame in a gaming scenario go look it up in the dictionary. It exists. In the end the only way "cheap" gameplay can be acceptable is for other gamers to not give a damn. The same goes for developers. Unless everyone wakes up from their stupor, and remedies this troll era of thinking then gaming as we no it will become a common ground for the worst online gaming experiences imaginable. Wake up people, and smell that digitally rendered air. For f*ck sake please wake the f*ck up!

Brad (OtakuDante)

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