Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog Update (9/30)

What's up all ye lads & lasses? I'm here once again bringing to you an update on the behind-the-scenes happenings here at "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno". Currently I'm in the middle of my playthrough of "Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness". The game's amazing as expected, and is quite the fun, and relaxing RPG experience. It's filled to the brim with features including NISA's (NIS America) own brand of humor. For those of you who have been following, and playing the series throughout the years I strongly suggest that you get out there, and pre-order the game for the additional pre-order bonuses. I think the bonus includes a CD soundtrack as well as some art promo items. It doesn't hurt to get something extra for free as I always say. I should have my review of "Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness" posted by Friday of this week, so be sure to stay tuned here for that. I will of course be tweeting links as usual for those who follow me via Twitter (@OtakuDante).

Aside from my latest RPG playthrough I've also taken Mark's (360pr) offer to review a sample (Whatever that means???) of the recently released "MTG: Theros" card set. I'll likely be snapping some hi-res photos for your viewing pleasure as well as discussing the cards that I receive. I'm actually psyched about the Theros set, because I'm a big time world history buff, and having cards themed after the Greek mythology will be pretty darn Awesome if you ask me. If you have never gotten into Magic you definitely should do so now. There's plenty of different options for playing the game including video game versions as well as the traditional card based way. If you've ever had trouble understanding the rules (which I did at a younger age) I think investing in one of the affordable console, or PC versions of the game would definitely help you out as the tutorials are explained well there.It's something to keep in mind if you've ever had an interest in the game.

In other news I've got plenty of new review prospects on the way. Some of the future review material is listed on the right sidebar as usual, and some will be a surprise as they are not entirely set in stone just yet. Some of my review hopefuls include Konami's "Castlevania: LoS Collection", and possibly even EA's "Battlefield 4" (if they ever decide to stop yanking my chain about it) though. I've also got my eyes set on some other NISA releases that will be coming out in the next few months as well as Atlus's "AquaPazza". I cannot express to you how stoked I am about "AquaPazza". As a fighting game fanatic I've been dying for a new type of fighting game that will blow the other games of the genre out of the water. I'm hoping that this game might just do that. Nothing sucks worse than having a video game genre stuck in a virtual rut of lacking innovation. I like it when developers bring new things to the table. Innovation is king in this industry, and sadly some developers have forgotten that.

Well, that's a wrap for now folks. Gotta get back to work level grinding my "Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness" crew so I can take on the more difficult tasks that the game offers. Btw, I saw the Mothman in Disgaea D2 (Mothman Prophecies, Google it!!!), and his name was "Turd Burglar", Lmao!!! I shall talk at you guys, and gals later. Remember to keep on keeping it Awesome!

- Brad (OtakuDante) -

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!

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