Saturday, December 14, 2013

Let's Talk - "Youtube's Copyright Apocalypse Pt. 2"

Okay, with all conspiracy theories aside let us talk about what's really going on with Youtube, and my personal thoughts on the matter. Over the past few days I have sit through, and watched video after video of famous Youtube commentators, and content providers giving their take on what has happened as well as what is happening with the ContentID / Copyright-gate system. While Angry Joe pretty much nailed the issue on the head I'm beginning to believe that this is 90% a problem brought on by Youtube's recently applied ContentID system , 5% an issue brought on by companies with legit claims, and 5% claims made out of pure BS. Last week, even though I do not in any way monetize my videos I was hit with a copyright strike from a company that doesn't even exist. They claimed that a one second frame of the video containing the developer's logo, and a piece of the Dolby Digital logo was somehow their property. Curious, I looked the SOBs up, and could not find any company by that name on the internet.

This is where my theory of BS comes into play. I believe that not only is Youtube's system flagging content in a bot-like manner, but that other no name wannabes are also having a field day trying to ruin the reputation of well known youtubers by falsely accusing them of having copyrighted material in their videos. It has happened before. In fact I recall retweeting a youtuber's video on the subject earlier this year. I believe it was AlphaOmegaSin who had brought to light the fact that certain videos were being flagged by people who had no right to do so. It would not surprise me at all if this were the case with some of the copyright flags, and strikes being dished out right now. We all know that the internet is full of trouble makers who have nothing better to do than cyberbully, troll, and hack the hell out of the online experience.

Seeing as a lot of gaming companies, and copyright holders are stepping up to the plate, and saying that they had no part in most of the content flagging cases leads me to the conclusion that the fault mostly lies with Youtube's system, and their inability to determine fake claims from real ones. That, and the fact that they put into place a system that assumes (and we all know what assume does) copyright holders are going to want the content flagged, or brought down. Even with all these BS claims in place though I do think that there are some companies who are legitimately seeking compensation for the use of their licensed media productions. For that 5%, or so I can see why they would want to do something about the more damaging, and leak worthy videos that spoil the sales of products. I get that. I am in no way defending the people who are uploading full movies, music videos, CD tracks, or even let's plays that show off the entire game from start to finish. Some things deserve to be kept from the public eye, so that the creators of said products can continue to make money, and bring to us the forms of entertainment that we love.

My own personal opinion is that 30 seconds of gameplay footage, movie clips, or even music clips included in a video should not cause the video to be taken down, especially if the video is review oriented. It is these types of videos that help the consumer decide what they want, and also teaches them about the entertainment products that they would have never learned about otherwise. Whether the review is good, or bad we can all agree that it brings publicity to the artists, developers, and companies who make the products. Even bad publicity can sell a product. It's a known fact. Being a journalist myself I have seen bad reviews of a game, or product get more page views than my positive ones. Be glad that there is such publicity in place, because I can guarantee you now that most of the video games, music, and movies that were created would have not sold as well as they did without social media outlets such as Youtube being in place. If you have to take down the videos that ruin sales do so, but for the love of all things sacred don't bite the hand that feeds you. Let Angry Joe, and all the other Youtube commentators do what they do best. A !@#$% 17-30 second clip is not going to ruin your potential profits. Word of mouth spreads in plenty of other online ways than just Youtube. If your product sucks the internet will make a field day of it regardless of the inability to use Youtube to say so. If it's an Awesome product then it will catch on like wildfire through all forms of social media that says it is. Keep that in mind you greedy bastards.

Well, that's all I've gotta say on that matter. Feel free to leave a comment below, or even share your own opinion on the matter. The more we speak up about these injustices the better off the world of entertainment will be for all of us. The day we fail to stand up for what's right is the day our freedoms, and rights will be taken away. You have a voice. I suggest you use it.

Your Last Samurai,
Brad (OtakuDante)

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!