Sunday, September 7, 2014

USFIV - "Prize Code Update"

I know I promised to keep on top of the USFIV prize codes, but life has a funny way of putting a journalist in the dark sometimes. During late last month, and early this month my online services were knocked offline due to modem complications, and lightning strikes. It was a learning lesson in how one can become isolated from the worldly happenings. Regardless of these electronic mishaps I'm online for the time being though, and will gladly share with all you fighting game fans the latest USFIV (Ultra Street Fighter IV) prize codes. Keep in mind that the codes are multi-use, and can be used by numerous USFIV players. At this time I know of no limitations, or expiration dates. After tracking down the codes I actually found a USFIV title amongst them that was to my liking, and have assigned it since then. This title I speak of is of course a motto I completely believe in, and it is "You Need Spanking". I dish out online spankings as often as I can in USFIV, and feel accomplished when I can do so. I hope you too can find a favorite prize code title amongst the lot, and that you flaunt it when beating the bejeezus out of your online opponents. That's what USFIV titles are there for, after all!

USFIV Prize Codes (9/7/2014)

A Gamer Appears - MTXMYW139YPZJI

Absolute Drama - W0ZSV5SYW2ZEEJ

Better Luck Next Time! - M42OLW0IHGLGMJ

Bold Cat - OFU11HD1VC3TJ5

Dream Hit - GVQ5KMMLP8I6L1

Lightning Blast - XVCXTA1Y16R9AG

Platinum Shine - 9QSPWS2LIOZWXL

Nightmare - 7QSID0IM3PPY3V

Skillful Brother - 277B47IFXCUUXB

Stylish Blow - OY3Z7APLVKV4Z4

Sword Flash - 8RGYZWZMJRL2OP

You Need Spanking - CS93SZDFK5JLTI

*Remember that codes work on all USFIV supporting consoles including the PC. (Zeros = 0 & O's = O)*

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!

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