Monday, March 16, 2015

Attack on Titan - "Colossal Titan" POP! Vinyl (FUNKO)

Recently while at Gamestop I noticed they had stocked a side shelf with the harder to find 'POP! Vinyl' toys. This was a pleasant surprise in that the adjacent Walmart super store only carried the same old boring Funko toys that nobody wanted. Things like the "Game of Thrones", and "My Little Ponies" were always on the Walmart sub-section shelves. Seeing that Gamestop had a budget priced giant version of the 'Attack on Titan' Colossal Titan though I could not help, but buy it. I'm a fan of horror themed toys, and the anatomical nature of this grotesque giant really stood out to me. Mind you I've never watched the "Attack on Titan" anime series, but something about the horrific titans found in that series is really cool. I figure that's probably why the series is as popular as it is. Anyways, I'd like to share with you some photos of the toy, and some thoughts, and opinions of it's design. The descriptions will be basic, but will give you an idea of the quality of these larger, and slightly more costly giant 'POP! Vinyl' figures.

Standing at a slightly taller stature, and bulkier in build this "Colossal Titan (#23)" 'POP!Vinyl' is of grander quality than most flawed 'POP!Vinyls' that you find in stores. The head is massively larger than the body as usual, and the body is surprisingly solid, and rather hefty in weight. I suppose having a head that large the though requires a heavier body to keep it balanced, and standing. As far as standing outside of it's plastic, and cardboard enclosure goes it does it much better than most smaller 'POP! Vinyl' figures.

When it comes to the applied paint job the only painted details on the "Colossal Titan" are of it's flesh colored bits, the white teeth, the ominous beady black eyes, and some areas of muscle on top of the head. The paint job for the most part is that of perfection with only a few noticeable weak points that only act to make the figure seem more legitimately gory. These flawed areas are tied to the flesh pieces, and some areas of the teeth as well as the back muscle portion of the Colossal Titan's head. While some collectors would complain about such a thing the $15 price point, and the overall quality of the figure is still up to par with higher end collectibles. I personally think it's a shelf worthy 'POP! Vinyl'.

For $14.99 plus tax, a slight mark up from the traditional $10 for smaller 'POP! Vinyls', this "Colossal Titan" which is part of the 'Attack on Titan' anime series definitely gets my enigmatic seal of approval. It's a toy that both anime, and horror fans alike can enjoy. The fact that it is of better quality than most retail 'POP! Vinyl' toys makes it a perfect one to add to your growing Funko toy collection.

Be sure to check your favorite local retailers, and online providers for the latest in Funko toy offerings as they are truly a hot collector's item. Some will definitely be harder to find, but I have found that retailers are getting smarter about which toys they choose to stock. Even if you have to depend on Amazon for your collecting needs do not miss out, especially if you are a toy collector as I am!

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