iFun4All's color coded game series about a non-particular mechanical bird protagonist returns once again in the form of "Green Game: TimeSwapper". As the title of this latest interactive, and touchscreen reliant Metroidvania style indie suggests it is all about time tampering, and not so much manipulating the world around you in a direct manner. Along with the introduction of time manipulation (the moving of time forwards & backwards via a green ray of light) comes a corresponding environmental color change (to that of green), and a plethora of new hazards and gadgets that are in place to guide the now more skeletal bird from glass cage to glass cage. There are 50 levels in total which are each made accessible via the game's gear menu interface. An interface that is moved through by applying a vertical swipe of your finger upon the PS Vita's touchscreen. The game itself begins, and picks up where "Red Game Without A Great Name" left off by briefly showing the former red environment before hinting at an upcoming "Blue Game", and ultimately taking the bird downward into an underground laboratory where a mad scientist tinkers with it's innards while leaving it in a mechanical skeleton state. All before sending it on it's way for some unknown diabolical reason.
The goal, at base level remains fairly much the same as it was with the "Red Game". Using your provided new time altering mechanics you will release the bird from it's enclosure, and send it flying forward through hazards on optional paths that contain three collectible gears. All of which can be done before you reach the enclosure waiting at the end of the side-scrolling level. The way the time manipulation works though varies according to the available onscreen guidance contraptions, but basically requires that you swipe a green light beam left (past), or right (future) in order to trigger, and turn off said contraptions in order to assist the mechanical bird in achieving it's end goal. That end goal being that of making a pit stop at the awaiting, or rather receiving enclosure, intact. While there are gears to collect in each, and every level they act as more of a side goal for gaming perfectionists, and trophy hunters. You will, however have to collect enough gears to open the game up further past a certain point.
The further you fly on route the harder it will become to collect all the gears, and make it to that end enclosure, or glass cage. This is where the death counter comes into play. On your jazz music inclusive journey you will no doubt meet your demise through a clashing against a variety of different environmental hazards. Each time you do (if you do) a death tally will be added to that level's death counter. I think it's a way to help push the gamer to try harder for perfection (Flawless), and give them the bragging rights should they be able to complete all levels with a "Flawless" ending. I could be wrong though, and it could all be a sadistic kick in the pants letting you know that you are in for some serious challenges if you dare to brave the "Green Game" at all.
At the end of the day "Green Game: TimeSwapper" is a budget indie that will not break the bank. It's affordable, and for what it is I feel it is brilliantly, and meticulously done. I once again tip my hat at the developer for providing a hardcore indie experience that is unique in a sea of games that seem to rip off, and outright copy what others have done. It's a fresh take on time manipulation, and it will definitely test your mettle as a hardcore gamer. If you are looking for that proper PS Vita challenge don't miss out on this one! Heck, don't miss out on "Red Game Without A Great Name" either!
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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!