Monday, October 23, 2017

Yomawari: Midnight Shadows (PS4)

Just in time for Halloween 2017 NISA releases perhaps one of it's most chilling, disturbing, and heartfelt adventures ever created for the PS4, and PS Vita. This innocent looking hide, and seek focused tale told about two childhood friends lost to the darkness, and to their own life's misfortunes finds the youthful protagonists trying to reunite amid a haunting of ghoulish ghosts that are out for blood. The game starts off holding no punches as it introduces us to Yui, a depressed young girl who lost one of her canine companions to an untimely death. It is through a brief controlling of Yui that we get to witness the full horror of her depression as it drives her to do the unspeakable, and leave her remaining canine friend alone. At least seemingly so. After this heartbreaking hands-on breakdown by one of the main characters the game shifts swiftly to it's core gameplay focus in which Yui, and Haru are joining each other in the mountains as planned to watch the seasonal Summer fireworks. Perhaps a sort of flashback, or dream state? Whatever the case may be it is in this moment that they share via conversation the fact that Yui is concerned deeply with Haru's forced moving from their neighborhood. Haru unsuccessfully tries to comfort her, and assure her that they'll be together forever. Shortly thereafter on their way back home though their intended dreams for the future together are abruptly shattered when Yui encounters a spirit in the woods that spirits her away from her friend. Haru who was hiding at the advice of her friend prior to the ghostly encounter eventually goes searching for her only finding more questions than answers. This is where things really begin to get scary ...

In the nighttime streets, and darkened locales of Yui, and Haru's hometown which includes every spooky place imaginable you will switch between the two girls during pivotal moments in the story as they literally play hide, and seek with ghosts while utilizing a tip-toe mechanic (L1) and stamina gauged run feature (R1) to make it from place to place safely in search for clues of the others' whereabouts. Along with the hide, and seek abilities that have you hiding behind signs, and bushes in tandem to the pulse pounding controller vibration alerts you'll find additional tools at your disposal in the throwing variety including paper planes, and rocks among other things. Throwing items that act as a means to deter specific types of ghosts that might be getting a little too close for comfort. You also have a flashlight that can be turned on, and off via the controller's touch pad when needed. This too can keep some pursuing ghosts from doing their one hit kills.

As far as progress goes clues, and items you find along your maze-like journey will advance the plot through cued in character dialogue. The clues that are found through a sort of hot & cold "?", "!", and "★" thought bubble mechanic come in the form of flavor text items, read signs, and notes pertaining to situations and characters. Beyond the hunting, and gathering of key clues you'll find that the paths you choose to take matter tremendously. That discovering the path to take means not only minding the clues, but also figuring out which roads, and paths are safer for traveling. There are roads blocked by blocking ghosts, and areas that are the workarounds to said blocked routes which will ultimately keep you heading towards your goal. Some areas will warn you of an otherworldly presence upon approach with controller vibrations, and a stamina gauge pulsing that happens as you near a hidden spirit. Other areas give no hints at all, or only subtle visual cues. As you continue onward through all the effective jump scares, and tension frights there is a lot of back tracking to do, and clue finding to take on. Thankfully there are some Jizo shrines located at key points where you can pay a collected coin as an offering to save the game, and also teleport to other visited and saved upon shrines. To map your progress, and help you find points of interest related to the clues you'll need to access the "OPTIONS" map which shows every place in the game as you reveal them through travel in a child-like drawing format. It is also with this map that you'll select which Jizo shrine to warp to when prompted to do so after giving your coin offering.

The goal, as one can likely guess is to eventually reunite the two girls, and solve the mystery laid out before you. While the gameplay is somewhat linear, and always pointing you in the direction you should be heading through ghostly threats, getting from the beginning to the end will not be an easy task to undertake. Ghosts, when touched can end your progress prematurely in a sudden bloody screen, and force a quick restart at the last saved Jizo shrine. Your only comfort will come in becoming familiar with the haunts of each area, and in learning how to get past them to where you need to be. Sometimes you'll have to run from a chasing apparition/s while your stamina gauge depletes. Other times you'll have to tip-toe by, and even use the tools at your disposal such as the flashlight to ward off threats. Something else to note is that at one point in your playthrough you'll be able to equip a charm. This will give you a bonus perk such as being able to carry more of a certain item. Charms can only be equipped, and swapped at Haru's house when playing as Haru. Supposing you chose to let Yui investigate the first spirit after the fireworks display. Speaking of which you will have to make an early optional choice as to whether or not Yui should investigate the spirit that is talking to Haru. This will no doubt influence the ending of the story in some form or fashion.

When it comes to the ghosts that you'll encounter, the varied assortment is definitely there. The ghosts in their visually and audibly different variety all seem to adhere to actual Japanese yokai folklore, and each bring their own unique challenge to the game in the form of attack and approach patterns. Some leave unique hints that they are coming while others disappear and reappear between the lamp lights and shadows. There are even ghosts that provide jump scares, and audible noises that can frighten even the most readied gamer. Figuring out how to deal with each kind of ethereal adversary is imperative for progress. In saying all that it is these scary encounters that I must warn you about. If you have heart problems definitely do not play this game. It's scares are not only jump scares. Some of the frights are tension building in the way that a child alone at night worries about what's making a noise, or what is under their bed. A sort of unrelenting primal fear that is only amplified through the child-like elements used in this game's visual presentation. Also to note is the fact that there is no music. It's an ambient soundtrack with only environmental sounds that are there to heighten the players' dread.

In the way of in-game collectibles the items you collect will be catalogued along with related informational text. You'll also gain access to the girls' diary entries which can be browsed through and read in the "OPTIONS" menu. Of course doing certain things in-game will earn you some PSN trophies as well, and I have to add that there are some interesting and unexpected trophies to be earned.

The Verdict ...

While this game filled me with enough dread to cut my complete playthrough short. I found it to be a noteworthy addition to the NISA game library. It's not your normal NISA JRPG by any means. It harbors some of the studio's darkest storytelling themes, and packages it in away that looks as if it would be child friendly. I think it's the child-like presentation that amplifies the game's fear inducing effects as much as it does. Some of the thematic moments really push the maturity envelope as well, and will no doubt stir up controversy for some. The whole "unspeakable" event in particular. Even so this game, like most story driven games has a point, and isn't a mere shock factor type of experience that throws out shocking content just for the hell of it. To get the most out of it you will have to see it through to the end. I'd say it's a perfect streaming opportunity for all those Halloween gaming broadcasters out there. It's also worth a buy if you are a non-streamer looking for something scary to play this Halloween. It gets the Inferno's seal of approval! It will be available on both the PS4, and PS Vita for those of you wondering. The main difference being the controls.

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