Thursday, December 21, 2017

2017 in Retrospect

It has been a very eventful year for you, and I. We've seen our ups, and downs. I've faced trial and tribulation with family issues. My parents lost their home in a hurricane this year. Some of you have lost loved ones, and homes as well. The weather, for a lack of a better description has been catastrophic, and natural disasters even more so. There's been war, and rumors of war. The global financial situation worsens, and politics is bleeding it's filth and corruption into every aspect of our lives. We can't seem to catch a break from it all. In all the chaos though I still refuse to give up. I sojourn on trying to make the most of what life has given me. I try to maintain a positive outlook, and work hard at keeping intact that which I hold dear. Something I feel we all need to do for the sake of sanity. I close the year thinking only of how good gaming looks in 2018, and hopeful that I'll get to enjoy said games with friends as well as share my findings with you. I aim to step up my game in 2018 with a quality focus on my Youtube channel, and the furthering of coverage on my gaming blog. They may be insignificant goals in comparison to some, but it's part of what keeps me going. The connection with a hobby I love and the community who has supported me over the years.

I'd like to say, "Thank you!" from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. Thanks for lifting me up when things seemed hopeless. For encouraging me to be strong, and positive. You have been a godsend. My saving grace. When I tweet that you are all Awesome I mean it with all my heart and soul. You mean the world to me. You are the reason I keep on keeping on.

It is in that paying of due respect that I wish you all a Happy Holiday, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! May you find peace, and perseverance in 2018. May it be the year you do yourself proud, and reach the goals you've always aimed for. May it be a merciful, and blessed year for you. Whatever may come always remember that you have it in you to overcome the most insurmountable odds. You can be great. You can do great things. You are Awesome!

Best Wishes!,
Brad Carver (OtakuDante)

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!