Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Paying Respects To My Grandmother Who Made My Journey Into Gaming Possible

My grandmother is my favorite person in the world. She's a Godly woman committed to reading the scriptures daily, and is wholly dedicated to her family. She prays for us all the time, and often says she'd take on our suffering if it would ease our pain. Throughout my life she's stuck up for me, looked after me when I was young, and encouraged me to be the best I could be. In her 80's now she suffers a lot of ailments, but still finds the occasional happy moment with me, and I with her. I remember fondly her taking me, and my siblings shopping for a Nintendo Entertainment System when we were younger, and her beaming with happiness to see us happy once she had bought the console. If it weren't for her I may not have ever gotten into gaming like I did, and for that I'll be forever grateful. Not only did she do that, but she's the reason I got a PS Vita, and why I've been able to support my hobby. I personally don't like to accept her money, but she finds happiness in my happiness, and to be quite honest she won't take no for an answer. She awaits my return from the trip to Gamestop, and always asks if I got something good, and I share with her what I bought.

My grandmother has helped my faith grow, shown me love, and above all else has been there for me when times were tough. I could never repay her kindness nor hope to be the Godly person she is, but I do my best to help her in times of need, and listen when she needs someone to talk to. Though her mind is getting worse along with her health she always finds time to joke, to share stories, and think of her family. I know she's not going to be around forever, but I hope more than anything that in the end she finds the happiness she has bestowed upon me. God bless you Grandma.


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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!