Thursday, April 5, 2018

My Thoughts on TERA

TERA is the latest free-to-play MMORPG to hit the Playstation 4. It's not the first of it's kind, and it will certainly not be the last. That being said there are some things TERA gets right, and some things the game fails at. What TERA gets right above all else is the streamlined gameplay, the user friendly controls, and the polished visual designed. It's mostly eye candy with fluid action packed functionality that you don't often see in such a game. The online portion of the game is mostly lag free to boot even with populated servers, and the experience as a result is vastly more enjoyable. That being said gameplay in TERA is a dumbed down series of sequential side quests, boss fights, cutscenes, and bland NPC conversations that are meant to breathe life in what ultimately amounts to a very tedious task oriented gaming experience.

The developer boasted it as being"Action Packed", but the action within the game is not all that exciting, if I were to be honest. The fights against mob minions are only made challenging due to their mob-like habits, and even the boss fights feel less than engaging outside of the fact that they do have legitimate attack patterns. Bosses, for the most part, are the usual sponges with layered health bars that only require your character to be leveled up enough to handle the fight. When it comes to the gear and weapons with which you dispatch these supposedly formidable foes this too feels less than awe inspiring. Sure there's rarity in the items you can earn and buy, but nothing seems outstanding or brag worthy. As such I don't see a lot of potential in the trading/selling economy that the servers host as a player to player market feature.

I know I've listed a lot of downsides in all of that, but I still feel that for a free-to-play game TERA isn't half-bad. It's much better than some I've seen on the PS4, and is definitely polished in a notable way. Weighing the pros, and cons I will no doubt sink some time into TERA, but will do so realizing it isn't a perfect experience. Expecting a 'Triple A' build from a free-to-play game is like trying to spin gold out of standard thread. It just will not happen. Not in this world, anyways. Be sure to give TERA ago if you haven't already.

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!