Friday, November 30, 2018

The Current State of Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter World has been out for several months now. Closing in on a year's time to be more precise. Since that time we've only seen a few new monsters, with upgraded variations. Those things along with special, and seasonal events that allowed gamers to catch up on what they missed while they enjoyed the grinding opportunities of new events. In all honesty it seems like a far cry from what was promised. It seems like the events are nothing more than placeholders for what should have been. Hunters have grown increasingly tired of grinding the same monsters, and their tempered variants (outside of the Kulve Taroth hunt). I myself find that I only return when there is a new event active. It's bad for a game that has features from other games in the series that could be implemented such as the new monsters, and areas we all get excited for. Monsters like Behemoth aside ... that monster can burn in hell for all I care.

In light of the current state of the game I can't help but feel Capcom has shifted most focus from Monster Hunter into projects like the upcoming Devil May Cry 5. Perhaps even to allow for an opportunity to re-release MH World under an Ultra package when the Milla Jovovich Monster Hunter movie comes to theaters in the next couple of years. I think what bothers me the most about MH World aside from these content releases issues is the fact that game is still buggy. A year in, and it still has bugs that were there from the beginning. It has a broken login, broken matchmaking, and a laundry list of hunt related bugs that cause nothing but aggravation to players. None of these have been addressed with a patch. I know, because I see the issues still persist.

As a fan of Monster Hunter World, and the direction it took the Monster Hunter series I can't help but feel a bit disappointed by how Capcom has let the game fall to the wayside in regards to priority. Like so many fans I want to enjoy the game daily, but it's core grind does get old after a time when new content becomes scarce, and far between. Simply rehashing old content is not enough to keep me, or most gamers invested in the more constant sense. I suppose it's alright for Capcom, and their investors though because players still return to play, but it's not really a fan friendly business model. It's not something that will hold a fan's attention for the long haul, especially if Capcom continues to focus on future games instead of the currently live games at hand like MH World.

Speaking of the previously mentioned seasonal events ... Today I got back into MH World as I tend to do for such occasions. The Winter Festival is going on, and while it offers a new holiday hub, and holiday themed gear for the grabbing I see a lot of wasted potential. The events to score the new items are more of the same regardless of the new weapons, and wear that you can get for time spent. Even the super cute Palico snowman costume cannot lift my spirits from the stinginess of the holiday Scrooge that is Capcom's content release model. I think they could have done worlds better, but sadly that is not the case.

Brad's business advice ...

I close with a suggestion for Capcom, and their Monster Hunter World team. Do better. Do better for the fans. Do better, because I know you can. Earn your keep among gaming's greats, and secure your financial future by going that extra mile. I'm not saying overwork your employees, or ignore other future game titles, but give it your all so that when a gamer hears of your next release it will be met with pure excitement instead of skepticism. Don't burn the bridge between consumers, and corporate interests like so many foolish publishers and gaming studios are doing. Drop all bad business practices, and simply sell a product that gamers feel they need to own, and let them own it. None of this games as a live service, restrictive EULAs, or games cut up for profit sake nonsense. Do better, because we all know you can.

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