In an age of gaming gone censored Compile Heart boldly dares to break free from the puritan industry trends that are currently being enforced, and releases one of their most "Adult" JRPGs yet! With "Moero Chronicles H" we get blessed with a story about a perverted protag with a childhood monster girl, friend. It is through Io, the perverted male protagonist, and Lilia the previously mentioned monster girl that we gain insight into the lurid, and lewd tale about a kingdom plagued by mysterious monster girl corruption.
Heading out, not to be the hero, but as an ousted member of society, Io journey's with Lilia to confront whatever or whomever it is that's inflicting dark marks of status upon the monster girl population of Monstopia. Battling his own "Desires" Io, and their soon-to-be panty thieving seal-like companion, Otton, seek to rid the afflicted of their curses by rather unusual means. By traversing labyrinthine locations of the fantasy sort in first person dungeon crawling antics you will not only face-off against fiendish oddities in the form of fantasy creatures, but will also run into, and battle with monster girls whom you can recruit. Upwards of 50 monster girls of varying pedigree. The battle that unfolds against said monster girls is a dual clothes shedding experience with a touchy-feely mini-game added in to heat things up. An erotic series of events which has Io storing, and releasing pent up positive energy while his monster girl compatriots up the desire percentage a notch by adding in some charm of their own. A specialty skill unique, and beneficial to joining monster girls. Ultimately making attacks, and aura (fire, wind, earth, water) skills deal more attire destroying damage.
The combat system in "Moero Chronicle H" is a turn based affair in which AGI stats determine the order in which each monster girl party member acts. Before their turns though Io will be given the choice to "Store", "Release", or use an "Item". Choosing the "Store" option will store Io's positive energy in an increasing percentage per storage/per turn, and will be released to a monster girl of choice when the "Release" option is chosen. Ultimately buffing her. Using items, on the other hand is made available so that you can heal, restore SP (skill points), and revive your party members with found or store bought items. When it comes to the monster girls' turns in battle they are the main damage dealers. Each girl has a unique aura, and associated set of skills. Aura in the game is an elemental skill attack that will affect other aura based enemies according to a compared weakness and strength that relates to the element of the monster girl in your company. Each aura has an aura element that it is strong, and weak against, so choosing accordingly will either help the battle progress more quickly, or slowdown. When choosing what a monster girl will do in combat you have a few specific choices. You can outright "Attack", use an "Aura" skill, or "Charm" Io which will in turn add to the desire percentage shown on screen. Again, adding a buff to whichever monster girl Io chooses to release his desire upon.
In the afflicted monster girl battles, in particular, You will be tasked with initially destroying certain articles of clothing that each have their own health bar. When destroyed they will fill up some of Otton's heart gauge. A gauge that when maxed will lead to a somewhat familiar touch screen mini-game featuring the monster girl you were battling. By touching, and rubbing key parts of the monster girl you will either get no visual response indicator, hearts, or stars. It is the hearts, and stars you aim for as they will fill up Otton's excitement gauge which can in turn not only recruit the girl to your party, but also trigger an extra "Nude Flash" sequence in which the visuals are more provocative, and more dependent on the screen rubbing mechanic.
Touching, and rubbing aside this is how you grow your monster girl inclusive party. Should you fail the timed mini-games you will lose the chance to recruit the girl for some time, but there's a chance you'll meet her again along the way for a second opportunity. Rescuing the monster girls from their dark mark status fate (a human hating curse), and returning home a hero as Io are your main objectives. Between the start of your journey, and that end though you will find plenty of battles, cutesy cutscenes, and exploration to whet your whistle.
The Presentation ...
Visually, and audibly "Moero Chronicle H" is a slight evolution and improvement of Compile Heart's past games. The animation seems to be improved a bit, and filled with more expression. The environments come to life in a sort of watercolour fantasy filled with lively, and sometimes lewd creatures. The game harbors that usual innocent yet suggestive adult theme as well. It's kind of deceptive in a way, to be honest, especially with the title and artwork not displaying what the core gameplay focus is. That said it's a well polished experience that escaped harsh Sony censorship, and found a nice place on the Nintendo Switch where it is more than welcome.
The Verdict ...
Having not finished the game at this point, but having played enough of it to know what it's about I think it's a safe recommendation for gamers who are mature enough to handle it, and who are of age. I found the story to be quite hilarious at times, and the gameplay itself satisfying enough to keep me engaged between each new forward progressing dialogue driven character encounter. The art is nice to look at, and the character design complimentary to the characters' character. You will no doubt fall in love with Lilia, Io, Otton, and the other interesting monster girls who join you on your journey of becoming a man ... or at the very least a boy hero. All things considered, "Moero Chronicle H" gets the Gaming Inferno's fiery seal of approval!
Heading out, not to be the hero, but as an ousted member of society, Io journey's with Lilia to confront whatever or whomever it is that's inflicting dark marks of status upon the monster girl population of Monstopia. Battling his own "Desires" Io, and their soon-to-be panty thieving seal-like companion, Otton, seek to rid the afflicted of their curses by rather unusual means. By traversing labyrinthine locations of the fantasy sort in first person dungeon crawling antics you will not only face-off against fiendish oddities in the form of fantasy creatures, but will also run into, and battle with monster girls whom you can recruit. Upwards of 50 monster girls of varying pedigree. The battle that unfolds against said monster girls is a dual clothes shedding experience with a touchy-feely mini-game added in to heat things up. An erotic series of events which has Io storing, and releasing pent up positive energy while his monster girl compatriots up the desire percentage a notch by adding in some charm of their own. A specialty skill unique, and beneficial to joining monster girls. Ultimately making attacks, and aura (fire, wind, earth, water) skills deal more attire destroying damage.
The combat system in "Moero Chronicle H" is a turn based affair in which AGI stats determine the order in which each monster girl party member acts. Before their turns though Io will be given the choice to "Store", "Release", or use an "Item". Choosing the "Store" option will store Io's positive energy in an increasing percentage per storage/per turn, and will be released to a monster girl of choice when the "Release" option is chosen. Ultimately buffing her. Using items, on the other hand is made available so that you can heal, restore SP (skill points), and revive your party members with found or store bought items. When it comes to the monster girls' turns in battle they are the main damage dealers. Each girl has a unique aura, and associated set of skills. Aura in the game is an elemental skill attack that will affect other aura based enemies according to a compared weakness and strength that relates to the element of the monster girl in your company. Each aura has an aura element that it is strong, and weak against, so choosing accordingly will either help the battle progress more quickly, or slowdown. When choosing what a monster girl will do in combat you have a few specific choices. You can outright "Attack", use an "Aura" skill, or "Charm" Io which will in turn add to the desire percentage shown on screen. Again, adding a buff to whichever monster girl Io chooses to release his desire upon.
In the afflicted monster girl battles, in particular, You will be tasked with initially destroying certain articles of clothing that each have their own health bar. When destroyed they will fill up some of Otton's heart gauge. A gauge that when maxed will lead to a somewhat familiar touch screen mini-game featuring the monster girl you were battling. By touching, and rubbing key parts of the monster girl you will either get no visual response indicator, hearts, or stars. It is the hearts, and stars you aim for as they will fill up Otton's excitement gauge which can in turn not only recruit the girl to your party, but also trigger an extra "Nude Flash" sequence in which the visuals are more provocative, and more dependent on the screen rubbing mechanic.
Touching, and rubbing aside this is how you grow your monster girl inclusive party. Should you fail the timed mini-games you will lose the chance to recruit the girl for some time, but there's a chance you'll meet her again along the way for a second opportunity. Rescuing the monster girls from their dark mark status fate (a human hating curse), and returning home a hero as Io are your main objectives. Between the start of your journey, and that end though you will find plenty of battles, cutesy cutscenes, and exploration to whet your whistle.
The Presentation ...
Visually, and audibly "Moero Chronicle H" is a slight evolution and improvement of Compile Heart's past games. The animation seems to be improved a bit, and filled with more expression. The environments come to life in a sort of watercolour fantasy filled with lively, and sometimes lewd creatures. The game harbors that usual innocent yet suggestive adult theme as well. It's kind of deceptive in a way, to be honest, especially with the title and artwork not displaying what the core gameplay focus is. That said it's a well polished experience that escaped harsh Sony censorship, and found a nice place on the Nintendo Switch where it is more than welcome.
The Verdict ...
Having not finished the game at this point, but having played enough of it to know what it's about I think it's a safe recommendation for gamers who are mature enough to handle it, and who are of age. I found the story to be quite hilarious at times, and the gameplay itself satisfying enough to keep me engaged between each new forward progressing dialogue driven character encounter. The art is nice to look at, and the character design complimentary to the characters' character. You will no doubt fall in love with Lilia, Io, Otton, and the other interesting monster girls who join you on your journey of becoming a man ... or at the very least a boy hero. All things considered, "Moero Chronicle H" gets the Gaming Inferno's fiery seal of approval!
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