Friday, August 2, 2019

Ninja, Twitch, and Manufactured Idols

I'm going to do it. I'm going to go there. I'm going to tell you some harsh truths that will undermine eSports, eSports legends, and the industry that promotes said things. First, and foremost Ninja is a manufactured idol. His popularity was created, or rather manufactured by the eSports business PR to sell product. That product was, and is still Fortnite. He was a tool just like all the other tools in business. Bought out, and sold out to the idea of hype peddling. Tell me, if you can, what makes Ninja any better than other streamers? Is it his cool blue hair? His personality? His skills? Nope, nope, and HELL NO! What it is, is his connections. Like so many spotlighted gaming heroes Ninja makes bank on association. His fandom flocks to him like idol worshipers to be associated themselves. It's the cool crowd syndrome. Kind of like in school where following the cool kid around earned you cool points in a sort of social hierarchy. For Ninja his coolness is earned in a similar way. By being associated with big name industry bigwigs, and sponsors his cool factor is elevated. Only for that reason.

The truth of the matter is that the Industry, through eSports, creates these hype peddling personalities for the sole purpose of making money. The could pick any Tom, Dick, or Harry and make them into a star with a cult following. All they have to do is present the person as the next cool thing, dress him or her up for show, put them front and center in sponsored tournaments, capture that totally not rigged win, and Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am! You've got gaming's next top idol! As long as there are people willing to sell their soul for time in the spotlight the industry will be more than willing to turn them into useful tools for profit, and give them that spotlight.

As far as Ninja's success at Mixer goes he's merely become someone else's useful tool. He's not anything without his association with the cool crowd, and Mixer is the next industry cool kid for him. The next in line of corporate bigwigs, sponsors, and followers who will give him the time of day as idol of the millennium without anyone else realizing it's all for show, and business. That, my friends, is the truth.

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