Friday, July 10, 2020

Waifu Uncovered (REVIEW)

Nintendo does what Playstation don't. That is what comes to mind when I think about my playthrough of "Waifu Uncovered". This perverted shmup that is a mixture of those naughty Japanese picture clearing games, and Sexy Parodius (though top down) comes sailing balls to the wall with it's titillating infusion of memes, and anime waifu culture. Taking place in a world where alien clothing is turning girls ugly Master K. Vaio must fly his phallic shaped ship to victory as he destroys the clothing of waifus across the globe. Ridding them of an alien infestation of the adult kind.

With three modes of play including a normal, arcade, and one finger mode you'll get plenty of pervy high scoring opportunities as you blast to a time limit the various alien clothing articles covering the waifu cuties. In both the normal, and arcade mode you will choose from one of two waifus per stage. Each with a bio that includes country of origin as well as occupation. That, and a photo image teaser. At first you'll only get the chance to undress them in a censored version via the slightly animated background image, but if you can meet the requirements you'll unlock an uncensored version. Nipples Ahoy, and all that jazz!!!

The gameplay is fairly basic in Waifu Uncovered, but will require you to masterfully dodge bullet hell, and shoot meme faced aliens. An undertaking which in turn will drop power-ups, power-downs and bonus points as well as purple ninja stars of various sizes that act as the means to shed the girls of their attire. As the timer counts down per six rounds a targeting box will highlight the current clothing article that needs to be dealt with. Successfully clearing the clothing articles will fill up a heart counter, and shed the clothes on the background image of the current waifu. You'll also regain health meter after clearing a target, and filling it's coinciding heart container. Once all six articles of clothing are removed you'll enter a boss fight against a crudely named boss that matches the theme of the waifu. One boss, for example is a rabbit head called "Pussy Rabbit" ... I kid you not. Something that plays upon the waifu's pet bunny theme.

By continuously clearing waifus of their clothing you will unlock their censored and uncensored photos in the main menu gallery as well as ships with alternate attributes which will give you different kinds of advantages accordingly. Some ships are all about speed while others are about power, or multi-shot damage among other things. Each ship comes with a strength description, and a listing of attribute balances. Seeing as gameplay is score based you'll be racking up scores on an online or offline leaderboard. An option that you are prompted to choose at the start. This along with a region flag of choice along with your Nintendo ID will show proof of your global standings.

Visually the game is of a top-down orientation with the ship, and aliens doing their business atop the large shifting image of a waifu giantess. It's a very colorful, and pseudo-anime in presentation with meme faced aliens adding a bit of humor into the mix. In the censored images you'll find objects that tie-in with the Waifu's location or occupation covering their naughty bits. This is only further revealed should you be able meet the requirements to fully uncover the already mostly uncovered waifu art. The music is also worth noting, and it harbors that happy go lucky anime soundtrack that you'd expect.

The Verdict ...

Coming from a studio known as "One Hand Free" I am not surprised, or shocked by the level of lewdness included in Waifu Uncovered. In fact I'm happy they bravely fought against censorship, and did so on the Nintendo Switch. Talk about a stick it to the man kind of game. That's exactly what Waifu Uncovered is. It goes against the norms that Playstation, and others have tried to set within the gaming industry when it comes to censoring sexual content. There is absolutely no need for censorship when there is a rating system for it, and it is obvious this developer realizes that. I really like the fact that they went anime with it as well since that was a double jab at the likes of Sony, and their double standard stance against anime nudity. I wish more studios would jump aboard the bandwagon. With all things weighed Waifu Uncovered gets the Gaming Inferno's "Hell Yeah!!!" seal of approval!!!

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