Thursday, March 4, 2021

What Happened to the Community?

What happened to the community? The one I became a part of on social media? The one made up of friends who looked out for, and lifted up each other? The ones with similar interests? It feels more and more like I'm once again an outcast looking in. Wanting to fit in, but unable to, because everyone else is looking to fit in without realizing they are passing up the very opportunity to connect with others who also want to fit in. We tread blindly on the internet, and social media longing to be noticed as everyone does, but not stopping to realize that if we noticed others they too would notice us. Together we could live in the spotlight of our niche groups. Being a part of it, but unique and outstanding. In an age of flaunted copycat ideals, and trendy cultural ideas though the fight to stand out in the crowd is made almost impossible, and it is in that struggle that no one gets the recognition they deserve.

I joined Twitter years ago to connect with likeminded individuals. People who understood me, and whom I understood. For a while it worked. The connections were strong, and reciprocated. We were each other's helping hand, and shoulder to lean on. Fast forward to today, and that is nearly gone. I only get a brief word from friends. No more long thought provoking chats. No one reading of my work or my words. Posts that scream into the void longing to be acknowledged, and at the very least shared. To this day, out of the 3,000+ consistent friends and followers, only a few care to even check in on me, or take interest in anything I share. I try my best to address each and every one in the community on a daily basis. Greeting them in the mornings, and saying goodnight in the evening. Offering up words of encouragement, and wisdom. Telling everyone that they matter. And still I'm desperate for what once was. A proper connection. It is all but lost, unfortunately. That sense of community. It weighs heavily on my mind, heart, and soul. For the life of me I cannot figure out where it all went wrong ...

Did we become so lost in the clout chasing that we forgot each other existed? That we needed each other, and wanted to be apart of each other's lives? That we gave up on the community to chase the spotlight, and superficial praise? Did we get so caught up in politics that we began to see each other as a threat? Whatever the reason I hope it all takes a U-turn back to where we once were. I hope that we can help each other shine, and stand out in our community. I hope.

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!

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