It's been a long while since I reviewed or posted anything. If you've been following me on Twitter you'll know of my struggle with a serious drug resistant infection that has lasted over a month. That, and the passing of my Mother who had stage 4 small cell lung cancer. Between trying to survive the infection, and being there for my mother I had no time for anything else. I even spent 5 days in a hospital right before my Mother's passing. It's been hard, and has not been easy returning to the usual routine. Just know I'm better than I expected I'd be, and that my health is on the mend.
In the spare moments between infusions at the hospital I have taken the time to check out Vanguard. I was grinding out the season 1 battle pass. In that grind I noticed the developers had patched out the end summary scoreboard that you could access after a match at the lobby menu for reporting cheaters. This is a huge issue as their alternatives which appear via prompt during the MVP outros does not work. The only workaround is to pause during a match, press the touchpad to bring up the scoreboard, and the hit SQUARE to report cheaters. I know, and most Vanguard players know, the anti-cheat system isn't helping all that much. Cheaters are still commonplace, and have stepped up the cheats into the realm of hacking. I actually had a hacker take control of my account only to toggle off clan settings, and tinker with some of my loadouts. This is a MAJOR issue. When hacks enter the scene you know the CoD game is done for, and it is my personal opinion that it is indeed done for if Activision does not get a proper anti-cheat system in there.
I have decided, in light of these revelations, to cut short my continued coverage until Activision, and it's onboard developers can make Vanguard safe to play. I do not need hackers hacking my CoD account or PSN accounts. I don't get paid for reviews so it makes the risk greater than the reward. That's where I stand.
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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!