Thursday, February 10, 2022

Dialing it Back ... El Gancho

Instead of going back to the original review where this additional information is likely to be missed I will do a follow-up right here. Apparently there's more to El Gancho than I previously thought. I gave up on it early due to control frustration, and didn't give it the proper playthrough it deserved. When it comes to things I left out there's a couple, or more. Initially I claimed that the selectable Coco's were merely cosmetic. This is false. Each costumed Coco has their own ability that changes gameplay. The Astro Coco, for example, defies gravity allowing it to reach greater heights easier ...

In the way of additional playthrough features I also left out the fact that playthroughs are several stages long broken up by perk rooms, and boss fights. The perk rooms include choices of perks that will add new mechanics to gameplay. They include things like a parachute which will produce a parachute upon falling if you press the jump button. This, of course, has it's advantages as it slows the fall allowing for better grappling opportunities. Aside from that the game is also score based meaning that your collect-a-thon efforts, and killing of enemies will give you a score. 

So, there you have it. I done goofed. I admit it. These details should have been made available in the original review, and I apologize for not bringing them to you. I should also mention that my thoughts on the game have changed now that I'm warming up to the controls, and grappling mechanic. After you get used to it the controls are not all that bad, and the gameplay not all that more difficult because of said controls. You could say I warmed up to El Gancho, and now believe it's a good game for all the roguelike fans out there. 

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