Monday, February 7, 2022

Swords & Bones | Nintendo Switch

RedDeerGames' "Swords & Bones" is a pixel perfect indie with a pint sized protagonist. That protagonist being a mysterious knight of unknown origin, name, and age. A knight who has traveled back to his kingdom of Vestus to undo a curse brought on by the crowned usurper of the throne, the Wolf Demon. It seems the Wolf Demon not only took over the ruling class position, but turned Vestus into flaming Hell on Earth. Thus it is the knight's assumed duty to rid the land of the damned along with the curse, and bring an end to the Wolf demon's reign of terror. That's where you, the player, come in ...

Swords & Bones isn't anything grand in scale, but what it lacks in scale it more than makes up for in challenges. You see the game is broken up into multiple locations linked together through pathways on a world map, and those locations each harbor a gauntlet or series of numbered mini-missions which require making it to the end, and collecting a goblet as well as the crown for completion. Keeping you from breezing right through it is a 2D stage style of setup with spawning enemies, pitfalls, and deadly traps. To further complicate things you have only three hearts which equals three hits via enemies before the dreaded GAME OVER prompt pops up onscreen. Instant death coming with the pitfalls, and traps. 

At your disposal is a sword, as the title implies, and a magic attack that depends upon MP or three magic potions to cast. Luckily coin, and shop are made readily available during your playthroughs. Allowing you to purchase health and MP refill items from the world map's shop as well as spells that will help you better manage with the enemy threats at hand. There are even some equipment pieces that can be purchased for a price to unlock previously inaccessible areas. Coins you collect from broken boxes, treasure chests, vases, and enemies will carry over even upon death, and be available for spending the next go around. As will your progress through the gauntlet of stages within each given area on the world map. 

While death comes quickly sometimes you are allowed an infinite number of retries. You simply have to select the retry arrow at the GAME OVER prompt. Supposing you wish to go back to the world map though to spend some coin on shop wares you can do that too by using the GAME OVER home button. As far as length, and difficulty goes there is some substance to this mini-mission oriented affair. There are several stages within each world map location, and for the completionists out there who wish to 100% the game there is some backtracking to be done. Personally I found the challenges to be formidable, but doable. Though the stages are short in length they are crafted in such a way as to test even the most seasoned platformer veteran's skills.

The Verdict ...

For what it's worth I think "Swords & Bones" is an alright 2D action platformer. It's visual design is pleasing on the eyes, and the mechanics in tandem with the challenges, complimentary. Going in I honestly expected more of a Metroidvania kind of game, but it's alright for what it is. The soundtrack is along the lines of older retro games. Giving a proper nod to the classics. As far as goals go it's a grind for coin to afford the items necessary to complete the game, fully. That being said, the platforming challenges are in, and of themselves a singular outlying component to gameplay. Learning how many hits each enemy takes along with their attacks/patterns as well as the layout of each stage is crucial considering health and MP are limited. Weighing all of this I can give it a confident recommendation. It's a solid action platformer centered around digestible mini-missions. A pick up, and put down experience fitting of the Switch!

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