Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Problem With "Hateful Insertions" ... DEI, ESG & Gamer Gate 2.0

Well, it seems some lessons in life are hard learned and no matter how clearly you explain away the issues with an issue it will always go right over someone's head. One leading example of this is with the incidents of someone calling someone else racist while they themselves are acting the part. The lack of awareness of the underlying hypocrisy only serves to invalidate any claims the one arguing racism has, especially for those who aren't psychologically demoralized to the point they can't see the truth for the lies. 

Unfortunately a good portion of the population of world we all live in, and the society we inhabit therein has been conditioned to cling to old hatreds and to use that hate to grift for time in the spotlight as well as the resulting monetary gain. Perpetuating, and creating racism where there was none.

Hatred and skin deep division, which was politically sown, has been weaponized to divide and conquer countries from within. Starting with Obama, and going all the way to the Biden administration with broad strides in the agenda feigning the betterment of the nation while simultaneously conquering it. Realizing this it's no doubt the FBI, and DHS now seek to silence those calling out Gamer Gate 2.0 for what it is. 

There are vested interests, and powerful people in the realm of politics that stand to gain from the societal chaos resulting from the infiltration of DEI, and ESG into the entertainment and hobby industries. To an extent that it reaches far beyond hobby territory and into the realm of constitutional rights and freedoms.

If one were to simply notice the hypocrisy and deception without a biased perspective they'd realize nothing has been solved through the diversity and inclusivity efforts spearheaded by our world leaders. There has been no problem solved, only problems created. The tension as a result rises and we continue to see incidents like that of the black female student who bashed a white girl's head into the pavement to the point she's in a coma fighting for her life. Everybody fears there's something to lose in this battle of who matters most, and it scares them so badly they go into a do or die mentality, a fight for survival. Thus there are no efforts in making the peace or in seeking true equality which would quell this unfounded reality. 

In this fight of which lives matter you'll find often that racially motivated or sexually motivated inserts into video games are also used as a means to 1up the competition. Not unlike a shot being fired at the opposite demographic. A weaponized hateful insert that is there for that sole purpose. Thankfully it always backfires, and those who dabble in divisive identity politics are the ones who end up losing jobs as well as money. We call it going woke & broke.

 The reason this always happens is, because the characters and content stemming from the woke agendas are hateful by design. You cannot hate on an audience and expect them to buy what you're selling. Business doesn't work that way. Yet people who are all into peddling DEI and ESG propaganda still do what they do thinking they'll bully their way past the problem by either taking controlling/influential positions in the industry, or through social media outcries calling for the cancellation of those who would call them out on this hateful grift. 

The sad thing is these companies, studios, developers, and directors don't realize that all they have to do to get people to accept diversity, and inclusivity is to stop the hatred and division. To create characters EVERYONE likes, and stories EVERYONE can get behind. This world is greatly starving for heroes. If only they'd create those heroes no matter what race or gender, and win over their audiences with true heroism instead of hatred we could see everyone uniting for a common cause. 

I've said it before elsewhere that the politicians and propaganda peddlers promote the worst of themselves, because they don't want anyone aspiring to be better and do better. They don't want heroes. They want to lift up criminals, grifters, hacks, and evil doers because it appeals to the animalistic side of human nature. Turning them into a primitive tribe willing to follow blindly into battle even against one's own best interest. 

In this case they are being led straight into slavery 2.0 and cannot see it because they are so blinded by division and hatred. They cannot understand that in their fighting they are ushering in an eventual marshal law situation that will lead to a totalitarian dictatorship where there are no favorites and the only ones benefiting are the ones who led the hate peddlers to participate in the hate campaign. 

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

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