Thursday, May 23, 2024

Goliath Depot | Nintendo Switch

Enter, if you dare, the Goliath Depot. A facility for sentient products that ought not be. As one of the resident workers, be it George, Georgette, or other staff your duty is to stop these pesky paranormal products from escaping to the customer. You do this by shutting doors, and kicking to the curb anything that would stand in your way. All to a timer, and against an unseen evil force.

As a proper throwback to the 80's arcade era where games like Popeye and Donkey Kong utilized ladder based pixel platforming with hazards standing between you and whatever goal, Goliath Depot does the the same though with an arguably less challenging design. 

This score based 2D arcade platformer is centered wholly around the curious cast of corporate characters whose goal is to keep possessed products from escaping various parts of the Goliath Depot. From the warehouse to the parking lot, and even to the factory George and his crew must close all doors while minding the threats of the very products they aim to keep trapped inside.

The gameplay, as such, is simple. As one of several characters, some of which are unlockable through the grind, you can close doors, jump, kick, and enter a final exit door. You must, in each stage, close all doors before the timer reaches zero, and before you get hit enough times for a restart. 

By slamming the doors near possessed products they will be stunned by an outgoing pulse and will become susceptible to being booted offstage to a lucrative score padding combo counter for a limited amount of time. Doing this will bank you a piggy bank bonus, and coins upon exit which can later be spent on continues or on pre-game modifiers meant to make the game objectives easier. Gifting you such abilities as a double jump, dash, or quick platform dropdown, among other things. 

Completing a full set of stages in 'Goliath Depot' will unlock the next set of themed stages in order. Giving you access to any starting point upon returning to the game. Goals in each set of stages includes reaching a high score, collecting currency, and meeting certain goals for the perfect playthrough. The more you progress the more you'll gain access to. Making the one to two player experience a fun yet simple undertaking for those who would heed the challenge. 

The Verdict ...

Goliath Depot looks, and plays the part of a proper 80's arcade throwback. It's definitely akin to games like Donkey Kong, and Popeye as previously mentioned. While the gameplay focus is different in regards to closing doors the objectives overall remain familiar to any video game veteran. 

You will utilize ladders, spring boards, elevators, and platforms to carefully navigate between hazards and enemies as you set to close all the doors before time runs out. This isn't too hard of a task early on, but it does ramp up in difficulty as you progress. Presentation-wise the visuals are playfully colorful as to be expected from a Flynn's Arcade release, and the pixel design definitely has that retro appeal. Overall it's a simple yet welcome addition to the genre. A must for any Arcade enthusiast!!!

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