Sunday, June 30, 2024

Friends Make For Fortnite Victories, But How Do Randoms Stack Up Against The Competition?

I've long said that it's friends that make Fortnite so fun. It is with friends that you not only have fun, but that you get wins. Friends coordinate their strategies better, and know how to best assist their squad mates. Friends have friends' backs. 

How then do Randoms compare? Through experience Randoms are hit or miss. Some are kill hogs, others don't participate in the team effort, and others are too inexperienced to lead a team to victory. That being said you will find, on occasion, that rare squad, trio, or duo of Randoms that really knows Fortnite. Below you will find a stream where such Randoms did as Randoms do. I had some fun, and some losses, even a victory royale!

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