Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hot Blood | REVIEW | A Sexy & Sassy Low Poly 3D Zombie Brawler For The PS5!!!

It's Dante here again with another HOT review!!! It seems this one is for all the horny lads out there looking for some low budget adult gaming content. The kind of stuff you don't want your parents to know you play. Join me as I head back to the 80's Mall scene with Roxy who is in search of her boyfriend amidst a zombie apocalypse ... 

Hot Blood, in all it's blood and babe filled glory, blesses the screen with a fashion sensible boss babe constantly spewing forth a bunch of sassy one liners in the midst of a zombie infestation set within a mall setting. As Roxy you have lost your boyfriend in the crowd of infected mall patrons. Something that beckons dear Roxy to battle.

Being the hot blooded female you are you do the only thing that comes natural to you in the given situation, and that is dishing out some punishment via heels and fists. Using both punches and kicks you deal damage to the quota of zombies that have sectioned themselves off in the various stores within the mall's two floors.

Not only can you punch and kick your way through the mobs, but as you progress from store to store you'll learn new tricks like the leg sweep, dodge roll, the ability to throw items, and the ability to use weapons. You'll want to kill the zombies before they kill you using these methods though as you have limited heart health that only increases if you survive long enough to level up. Leveling up is done through kills, as you might expect. Should you take damage you'll find that if you have a soda on hand you can replenish your full heart meter. These curing colas can be found hidden about the mall, and are a limited resource that must be used wisely. 

When it comes to objectives there is a quota of 30 areas with a set number of zombies that must be killed, and each store they are in are decorated and themed as if it were a real mall outlet. This killing quota is the end goal above all else. That and survival. 

As you'll discover some stores along the way, especially earlier on in a playthrough, harbor newly introduced mechanics tied to new zombie types. Certain zombies require certain attacks to be dealt with is, but one takeaway. The larger more aggressive, or boss-like zombies make for a tougher opponent if you don't know their weakness. Learning the mechanics as they are introduced will help as you progress into the more mixed mob areas. 

As you cull the dead in the pursuit of your boyfriend they will drop cash. It is this cash that can be spent in-game on the latest fashions. At first the early dresses will cost only cash, but the further down the shop list you go the more leveled you'll have to be to buy them. You can choose both the dress, and a color palette option making it more of a personal adventure for whoever choose to aid Roxy on her quest to save her man.

The Presentation ...

Hot Blood is a low poly 3D game with copious amounts of blood effects, ragdoll physics, and a strutting feminine model of Roxy that is both curvy and physically accurate according to movement. Roxy walks as if she's wearing high heels, and struts her stuff as she repeats her limited one liners that offer up some sassy comedic relief to the heated action. 

The game for the most part looks good, and only in some circumstances is there instances of ragdoll glitching which is expected with this type of game. Beyond the 3D gameplay there are low effort art panels that tell Roxy's side of the story. Each with a subtitle hinting at her progress towards her ongoing search. These art panels usually only pop-up at key locations within the mall.

The Verdict ...

Hot Blood offers plenty of blood and one heck of a babe though it's not all glitz and glamour. The game is obviously a graphically downscaled experience meant to imitate retro games to some extent. It is this replication of older visual art styles and animations that can make the game feel clunky sometimes. Causing conflicting outcomes of intended button presses. Doing things like not letting you dodge roll in a direction you want to go to avoid death or damage. 

Once you get the hang of the mechanics though the game is mostly smooth sailing. The only real threat being the more formidable zombie types that require specific attacks to be dealt with. This adds a bit of strategy to the chaotic mob focused violence. For the most part combat feels fast, fluid, and effective. Gameplay is satisfying, but kind of short lived. 

Given it's a budget priced indie low budget experience is forgivable. When it comes to getting your money's worth you get what you pay for here. It is a mostly gimmicky experience meant for those gamers who are into campy adult humor, and over the top violence with a zombie twist. It has that early erotica vibe to it without ever overstepping the boundaries of decency. It is on the PS5 after all, and we all know they censor adult content ...

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