Friday, July 26, 2024

Frogue | PS4 Review

Frogue, putting the "Frog" in "Roguelike". This hopping, and happening action packed puzzle platformer with a twist has you, the player, controlling a frog of the order of the Green Knights who is routinely combating an ancient evil whose castle arises ever so often like Dracula's castle from Castlevania. A frog swordsman able to slow down time with a chronosphere ability, and deal the deathblow before the enemy has time to react. Gameplay is centered around this base premise, and builds onto it with incremental roguelike ability upgrades as well as a combo system that rewards precision play.

As the titular frog protagonist every move you make matters in this turn based room clearing revenge quest. Pitted against lesser enemies, and even bigger and badder bosses you and your frog hero will need to carefully hop around procedurally generated rooms with platforms by moving in diagonal omnidirectional paths planting yourself on solid ground before delivering the coup de grĂ¢ce or exiting to the next room. This is a turn by turn affair in which the frog makes his move, and the enemy readies to counter or interrupt any would be landed attack.

Attacks from the frog come from direct impact slashes in passing through the targeted diagonal movement as well as sword throwing wherein the frog must pick his sword back up to put it to use again after it makes impact. Figuring out when to do what is key to survival, overall. You must carefully plot and plan your escapes from choreographed attacks, and position yourself for the next kill in line. Achieving kills in succession without taking damage nets you combos. Assuming you make it past a certain point you'll also be able to unlock new random abilities that enhance gameplay options including adding things like a parry to the initially minimal combat mechanics.

Stylish, and reminiscent of a retro classic, Frogue delivers the action in sectional rooms wherein a sort of puzzle solving element takes hold making each move like that in a game of chess. You'll want to strategically place yourself in positions of advantage, and out of harm's way as you clean house culling your way through the enemy. Utilizing the time slowdown mechanic via the chronosphere allows for predictive planning against bullet hell letting you also see the enemy's next move and avoid it through their flashing indicators that forecast an attack or projectile shot beforehand. Knowing where to land and when is half of the battle.

The Presentation ...

Visually, Frogue is very much like a retro game from the 16 bit to 32 bit era of gaming. It's not comparable to current-gen visuals, but for what it does it does it well. It takes us back to a simpler time where interesting gameplay was the priority, and graphics were just attractive enough to keep the players' sight locked onto the onscreen action. There is a varied color palette to it all, and it is done in a 2D fashion with special effects added in for good measure. Even the soundtrack harkens back to a time when game development was at it's prime. Those classically inspired tunes that we all expect from such an experience.

The Verdict ...

Frogue is a roguelike unlike any before it. It dares to do it's own thing, and changes up the formula to a unique degree. It features gameplay that makes you think, and a delivers a satisfying result when it comes to the executed sword play action. Each plotted and planned slash that lands without you taking a hit makes for an exceptionally rewarding moment of reprieve before you get back into the fray to rinse and repeat. 

If you fancy something different from the roguelike genre Frogue has your back. Not only does it do things differently, but it is a budget indie that will not break the bank. Frogue has been out for a while now and is available on the PSN Store! Hop on over there and pick it up if you find yourself interested!

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